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bum bu bu bum

Mally's picture

OK. I have talked very nasty about my bm. all things that I feel. Well. I learned a lot more this week about what really went on in that house. I am not happy. Someone should not take a divorce out on children. YOu should not tell storys like Your dad is going to take you to court and ask who you want to live with? who do you want to live with? That my friends is wrong of her. My daughter felt presure adn said oh yeah mom I would come live with you. but she broke down crying with me stating she doesn't feel safe there around mom and her bf, they argue and throw things, and she doesn't know anyone. She stated that she would hate to leave for that long, she also complained that two and half months with her mother was too long for her to be there. NOw if you were a mother of a kid why would you do that to them. Put them through that sort of confusion. Its not the kids fault and allowing them to pick which parent they like best is horrible. My skid thankfully knows and respects us, she knows exactly whats going to happen. no surprises. her mother obviously is heartless and is more willing to brain wash the kids. ugh. my insides hurt when I think about it. well she called her bm last night. we had bought her a super nice backpack for school. She liked it alot. Her mom bought her one at wall mart that she liked just not as much. She is using the backpack we got her. and her mother asks her (which we asked her to get her school clothing not supplies but she refused to listen and got both the kids stuff they didn't need) How do you like using your backpack. Sd says i am not using it. BM says why? SD says because. and leaves it at that. This happens all the time like bm wants some control over kids that she knows nothing about. ugh sick feeling. :sick: anyways my frustration is that. its everything and sadly that kids would be better if they only saw her two times a year for maybe a week MAYBE so I always have this nasty feeling when I think of all the work I do and she gets all the benifits of being super mom. She has no clue what its like to support her own children. She doesn't know what its like when her daughter is bummed cause she lost a soccer game. She doesnt know what its like when her son is having a ashma attack. she doesnt know. cause she has never done it or been there. ME I Have the Step mom.


Anon2009's picture

I'm the custodial stepmom to 2 beautiful girls. BM doesn't do a darn thing for those kids. Not because she can't, but because she CHOOSES not to. It makes DH and I so sad, because her actions hurt the kids so much.

BM does not know what it's like to help SDs with homework. BM doesn't know any of their friends, or their friends' parents. BM does nothing to congratulate them when they do well. She doesn't know what it's like to care for them when they're sick. She doesn't know what it's like to see them get awards. The list goes on and on. I know these things because I'm there for the kids EVERY DAY! When we took her to court for custody 5 years ago, she tried get the kids to like her best. She was the fun parent. But when that didn't work out for her (because we got custody) she just dropped those kids like hot potatoes. It's so sad that some people will do this to kids.

chaoticsteplife's picture seems like a whole bunch of us stepmoms experience the real deal with stepkids and BM gets the play time and of course likes to take credit for a bunch of things she doesn't even educate her kids on a daily basis, teach them good life values, make sure they become respectful honest people that will be able to fend for themselves and become independant (not dependant like their BM). She is not part of that process at all and then allows herself to put the kids in super difficult situations like the one mentionned by MALLY; asking the kids who they want to live with, telling them about adult problems and issues they should never even have to think about at their age. It's just wrong ! She tries to create tension and some sort of competition between her and me and my BF. Reality is...there is no competition, we don't even take part in that kind of thinking, what a waste of energy on her part...why don't you take all that energy you use trying to screw up our hard work and put it to better use like maybe actually doing something positive and constructive with your kids?? I understand you MALLY, I found with the years that letting go and brushing it off often helps me not to go insane or let anger get the best (or the worst) of me!
Don't ever give up Stepmoms out there, in your hearts, you know what you are doing is important and soooo significant for these kids.... and will influence the rest of their lives and who they will become. If we wait for credit or approval, we might be sitting around for a loooonnnggg time. Anyways, I know I am here doing this for these kids because I chose to and I try not to expect too much in return. But man.....I do get the frustration and anger and sick feeling in my stomach so often.

NotsoHappyNewlywed's picture

I wonder about this all the time. My SS moved in with us 10 months ago. Before he lived here full time he had the WORST school records. Zero average, and I personally think he was depressed. I assessed that it must have been very hard for this boy to visit his dad EOW in this big beautiful house where he has his own room and then have to go back to the projects to his BM where he lived in a 1 BR apt with his mom and sister. Here he was able to be a kid. I am the parent, I cook the meals, I do the laundry, I took care of him and his sister. Where as in BMs house HE had to care for the sister, run the errands, do the laundry, heat up the leftovers. In 10 months he has grown, he is happy, he talks, he has made friends. His grades are up he's talking about COLLEGE! He is being a teenager growing up in a healthy environment. I don't scream in the morning "GET THE EFF UP YOUR LATE!?!?!" I open his bedroom door, turn on the hallway light and walk away. He wakes up to a warm "hey kiddo what do you want to eat before you go?" DH leaves for work at the crack of dawn so I am left to get SS and BS on the bus before I go to work. I always wonder...Will he appreciate what I have done in his life? Does he even know that I have changed his entire future? I don't know...I guess we'll have to wait and see...

stepmom2one's picture

You're right it is horrible to make the kids choose. The judges think they are helping but they are not--they should ask "is there anything wrong that makes you not want to spend extra time with BM/BD?"

Why ask who, when they know they will say whoever they worry will get the most mad.

chaoticsteplife's picture

I want to respond to what you are saying NOT SO HAPPY NEWLYWED....when you wonder; are they ever really grateful? Will they ever appreciate what we did for them in their lives? Do they know that we change their entire futur? I would say, right now, probably not, but belive me, they will eventually. I had a step dad for 10 years, from age 7 to age 17. I lived with my mom and him full time and for that 10 year period, he was a very implicated, responsible stepfather. I cannot begin to express how he DID change my whole futur and also my life at that moment. He had a big impact on my life. If it wasn't for him, I would not have become the woman I am today. Don't get me wrong, my mom was and still is absolutely great and she would have kept on doing a great job even if he wouldn't have come into the portrait. But the fact of the matter is, a mom can't and will never be a dad. I had no positive male figure in my life and if he would not have been there I just cannot imagine what my relationship with men would have been like as a young woman and still to this day. I don't know what my perception of "family" would be. I definitly took time, several times in my life to tell this man how I loved him and how he was sssooooo important in my life and in what way he changed so mcuh for me....even if he eventually left, even if I was broken and angry when he did. Time healed most of those wounds and I still to this day bless the day he came into my life. So I guess there is hope, I guess some of us do realize the impact and especially even more when we become stepparents ourselves.