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Just a blog entry-

LizzersBG's picture

Well I took a week off of writing to see if I could come up with some ways to vent or to work the issues in my life out in a different way.
We recently redid both kids bedrooms-H painted and acted like the job was finished, so I spent the entire week washing clothes, putting them in the new dressers, closets, putting away toys, organizing everything. He never lifted another finger.
Since I changed my ph # BM hasn't been calling. Then I was advised by atty to give her the #. Now, BM will not respond to us unless she is called. I requested to have SS one day over Spring Break (after all someone who lives with mom and dad w/no job surely has no $$ for a vacation or even a small thing, like bowling or a movie) to take him to a Skate Park. I was going to get a sitter for the little one and just have time for him and myself. He reacts well with one on one attention. I got an e-mail yesterday telling me Sorry. Jake and I are pretty busy today. You can have him an extra Satruday night this weekend if you want to.
Ok-it is our weekend anyway, we just weren't getting it because of the "holiday" of Sp Break.
Last night DH calls BM to ask her to get together with him next Saturday afternoon (by themselves) so that they can talk before going to mediation. We don't have the money to drag this out. She agreed, but made sure to repeat about three times how "great" ss is doing now that she is picking him up from school everyday. Yeah, he is getting 100's on his HW. He is getting 50 and below on ALL class work Tests. DH met w/Teacher this week and the teacher said the only reason he is passing him is bc he sees on his transcript 1st semester 3rd grade all A & B. He lived with us during that time period. After the switch beginning of 2nd semester-the grades went way down. Right now he has 5 F's. On his repart card 3 F's.
She just keeps repeating that. I know what she;s getting at. She either goes every other week, or keeps things the same. She wants CS fig at minimum wage for her since she is voluntarily unemployed. Bullshit. We'd be out of our home.
Here lies my issue.
Say that happens. I have no choice but to leave. Things are not always great with my marriage but no one promised they would be. We would not be able to feed our kids while her parents provide for her and SS and she uses CS to buy a new car. She has already voiced she needs a new one if she is going to be taking him to school each day.
We cant afford this mediation. We can't afford anything. Our marriage can't afford to go through this.
On one hand I think we should walk away. Then we'd get raped in CS. Plus he told the lying, sneaking, failing SS that he could move in any time later on. Wrong!
One the other hand I think she should agree to our every other week deal. She is looking at some serious issues at court if we go there. She lied about her brother receiving a 675,000$ settlement about 10 years ago when a DR gave him the wrong anesthesia and he had a seizure in the operating room. She said on her Discovery that no one in her family ever rec a settlement. I got the paperwork from the court that issued the settlement. She knows this.
She stated that she has no bank account other than the one that she has right now. She forgot she turned in an interest statement for a bank account where apparently the $$ from the settlement is kept. Her parents keep it for the Son, he is now MMH. She is living off of money she was given. Funny, as soon as he got the $$ she had new boobs. Then, her car was paid off. She owed about $13,000 on it. She stated in 2006 under oath that she was a student at on online university. We asked her in the most recent discovery to produce those documents for school and she said she was never a student.
She stated she has no monthly expenses for herself or SS.
I am really thinking about leaving. Even if he does get his son-I don't think I want to be around for the atermath. It will be like a flaming ball of fire is headed straight for our house. My girls deserve so much more. At one point things were so bad here due to stress bt the H and I that I thought about letting my 6 year old live with her grandparents who would have taken me for custody, and I didnt care. I just didnt want her around this anymore. 5 years has seemed like 10. 10 will seem like 20.
I found a wrinkle under my eye the other day, could be from tanning. Could also be from stress. I have also been losing my hair, which is naturally curly and sort of thin so soon I will be a bald Step Bi*** with wrinkles all over her discolored skin. I feel like falling over, like just curling up.
I know I can't and I won't but I still feel like I want to and now I have to stop typing even though I have so much more to say. I have to get ready for our trip to the Zoo!
I have many things to be thankful for, just going through something that I know nothing about, and feeling anxious that this could make or break us.


Sita Tara's picture

"I have many things to be thankful for..."

This is where you need to find your focus. Start a gratitude journal. I am trying this and it is helping tremendously.

As far as you guys gaining custody, there are always pluses and minuses to that. SD hates me now that I am the full time mom. BM gets to go even further into Disney World and La La land with SD and I have to be the one who institutes discipline and responsibility. DH does what he can, but he works a lot so it's me. And summer's coming. We are enrolling her in soccer camp, which is close enough to bike to and lasts half the day. YEA! That will help. He is doing whatever he can, but the pain of SD telling BM that SD cuts herself because she HATES me...that betrayal is weighing heavily on me. More about that on my own post.

So...focus on your daughters and let DH know that's your job. He can focus on his son. You should let him know you'll be a sounding board for him if he needs suggestions or a shoulder...but THAT's all your job is at the moment.

Trust me... these kids in a high drama conflict DON'T always appreciate what you do for them. Maybe when they're older, but I kind of think SD will blame me for all of her trials later. I'm the easy target.

Peace, love, and red wine

ColorMeGone2's picture

Really, you just have to forget all about it, even if it's just for a twenty-minute long daily soak in a hot bubble bath. And if you practice not caring hard enough, you'll forget about DH's battle with BM completely.

Look, the situation impacts you directly. Any change in custody or CS is going to impact you directly. But all you can really do is voice your opinion to DH and then step back and let him soar or go down in flames on his own. It's HIS kid. It's HIS kid's mother. It's his nightmare, you're just living in it. Let it go, as much as you can. I know he's your husband, but you cannot let his fight over his child destroy your relationship or your ability to care for your children. It's not worth it. From the sounds of things, you've caught BM in enough lies that things will go in his favor.

It will only break you if you let it. No matter what the final outcome, whether it's positive for you or negative, you WILL get past it. You just have to put it out of your mind for now, focus your energies on something you CAN impact and take it one second at a time. When I start getting freaked out over "what ifs" that occur in my life, it helps me to come up with a plan for dealing with the most likely eventualities. Sometimes knowing you have a plan for dealing with whatever happens will give help you stop obsessing over it and give you the confidence you need to get through it without a whole lot of needless worry.

So try to find little was to de-stress, come up with a plan for dealing with your worst-case scenario, then put it out of your mind until it's over. And hang in there. It might get worse before it gets better, but nothing lasts forever.

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

Chel Bell's picture

All the stress that I endored the last 2 years put me in the hospital! Don't let it get that bad. I was also at the end of my rope, and told DH that we had to get away, I wanted him of course to come with me, but I would have went on on my own if I had to.Losing $$ to that b---h is one thing, losing my looks to freakin way! ~"Resist all the urges.... that make you want to go out and kill." ~ Chel.

LizzersBG's picture

Resisting the urge to kill someone! that was funny.
I already deal with mental issues due to choices made in my past, and these are aggravating the effect that my medicine is supposed to have. I feel down down down.
I want away from my husband, I don't even want him touching me.
I just want to finish school and enjoy things that I enjoy-like the 20 minute bubble baths I used to get before H decidedi t was ok to barge in on me, sit on the pot and start talking to me about what was wrong with our marriage! While nude in the tub! Yipers!

You are all right. I just need to work around my house and do my little tanning thing when i can to get out of the house. Yesterday I started my new spring yard project. I did feel better-much better.
Then of course here comes dealing with the SS situation again. He did ask BM to meet him before mediation and she agreed. Then she sent an e-mail and offered him a make-up weekend next weekend??!! What??!!
My husband wants to go to counseling. I want to go to the library and pull up the paperwork to finish this crap off before I ruin my girls lives by being hateful and resentful. I cannot live here and not be that way. It is really really sad to finally understand this.
Leaving is the only way to save myself.
I will call a counselor and I will give this 2 months. Then comes summer visitation time-SS here all the frickin time snooping through my things, whatever. 2 months of counseling and I will see where I am. I am a control freak and I cannot feel like my destiny is in someone's hands that does not even know me. Someone who doesn't care if 2 girls go without while a SS gets to be a spoiled brat.
2 months.
I will update when counseling begins.