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Tubby Tormentor (aka Delusional Disneyland Dad)

Lillywy00's picture

.....opted out of parenting this weekend so he could work 


Sh*t I can't tell y'all how relieved I am not to have to deal with weekend skid takeovers, not to have to argue with this b*tch about how to raise his kids to be decent people to live with, and not have to walk on eggshells nor clean behind these slobs. 

My prayers have been answered this weekend. Thank y'all for the virtual support!

Still going to make it a discreet packing day and self care day. 


Lillywy00's picture

I get some time off work where I don't have to expend energy dealing with his unreasonable expectations nor get triggered seeing/dealing with the outcome of his passive parenting style

AgedOut's picture

w/ him working you can go into hyperdrive and move your stuff into storage quicker. 

Lillywy00's picture

....and in typical sloppy scheduling; loose boundary; everything is an emergency fashion.......this dude requests his ex-wife drop off his kids early so I have to be responsible for them while he's at work

"Dude I havent had my own home to myself where I can reside IN PEACE without you/your kids/your ex-wife's expectations in  you either keep paying that layaway plan pr0stitut3 to take care of her kids while you work or pay me for the privilige of overseeing your kids while you work"

....havent heard back from him lol

Rags's picture

Let BM and the kids rot on the curb until DisDad gets home.

Lillywy00's picture

No. He thinks I am a robot and  this house is respite care for his kids/exwife to be dumped off here while he's at work and his kids are tired of being with their mother. 

He fully understands when she needs breaks from those kids but he doesn't understand or care when I need breaks from those kids. 

He seems to think kids "being in his possession" count as him being a good dad. I'm like "look dude, those kids are being dumped off in MY possession and I flat out do not want your exwife dropping them off when you're at work. Tell your kids "look I will pick you up after I get off work!"


Im tired of being accused of being "selfish" because his dumb a$$ is running a guilt riddled beck n call service and he's too cheap to compensate people who have to be responsible for his obnoxious bumps on logs.