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Over it!!!

Leonkait95's picture

Any other step moms out there that want to just be done with the kids and hubby!!!!! 

I just want to pack up and leave!!!!


Leonkait95's picture

I dont wsnt to sound horrible because I do like his 3 kids, and he depends on me cuz I dont work and stay at home while he does but I don't want to do it anymore and I cant do it physically, mentally, and emotionally anymore. Really cant!!!! Especially being pregnant and in bed rest and the 3 year old LOVES to tell me no and throw herself on the ground!!!!  

Aniki-Moderator's picture

You're pregnant and on bed rest and your DH expects you to continue on as though everything is the same and take care of children who are 3, 5, and 7??? Gads.

What would he do if you were NOT there? Sheesh. Tell your 'D'H that you need HELP. Even if he does more when he's home, you need help when he is not. VERY insensitive.

Leonkait95's picture

He does help alot when he is home. I will give him that and with only one income right now he works his ass off all week to Make sure we have a roof over our head and food on the table so I try not to say much about me being sore and tired and this baby is making me sore! It's my first pregnancy that I've made it this far (37 weeks) and the new changes are dragging me down so hard!!! I was just in the hospital a few days ago for contractions and baby could come ANYDAY now. I'm starting to not want to be a step mom anymore. And I know that's selfish but I'm starting to resent these kids cuz they DO NOT LISTEN TO ME AT ALL!!!!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Hon, the fact is that, at this time, you are NOT capable of continuing in the same way.

Your DH needs to sit those kids down and explain that there WILL be consequences for bad behavior and then FOLLOW THROUGH WITH THEM.

Leonkait95's picture

Thank you guys for the kind words and support. He works nights so noone can really help me and people have made comments like "well you walked into this" so I try not to ask forhelp.. I tried today and he said "fine I'll stay home and loose my job" well that's not what I want. I'm just caught between all this.