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Things I wish I could say to hcbm ot

Kmommyof388's picture

Your marriage didn' work out...mainly because you can' make a hoe a housewife...secondly stop ruining your kid by telling him he's a baby and can' do it (all things by himself) third just some advice YOU CAN' LIVE A KARTRASHIAN LIFESTYLE ON A DIME STORE HOE BUDGET!

that is all I apologize for the potty mouth she is just so infuriating 


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Potty mouth... LMAO. Kmommy, compared to me you have the mouth of a saint! I'm over here dropping f-bombs (anger really turns my vocabularly into that of a drunken sailors... I'm working on it, but sometimes I just get so mad!)

I'm with you though. I'd tell her a lot of that. And then add in that drugs are awful and if she wants to destroy her own life she needs to leave the skids out of it. Becuase there's a fight or flight response, and I'm definitley on the fight side and I have enough dirt to blow her clear to Timbuktu and back...

Kmommyof388's picture

I've been trying to watch the swears since my two year old heard me say *oh sh!t*  mothers day and then five minutes after I cut myself and he said it right after he knocked his tower of blocks over lol really bad mommy moment 

Tiger7's picture

BM was always trying to be buddies with me.  Saw her in March and she asked me to have coffee with her, etc.  She texted me a few days later and I just told her how I felt (albeit by text).  Told her last time we spoke, we said 3 disparaging things about SO, that she needs to keep their past to herself cause it has nothing to do with me and that the girls were old enough to speak for themselves and have relationships with other people without her input.  I haven't heard from her since.  LOL

notsobad's picture

Oh man, the things I wish I could say to BM!

You are an insecure, overbearing, manipulative, jealous horror of a woman! Not everything is about you, you are not the centre of the universe, and your problems do not take precedence over everything and everyone else!

Stop using your adult children as emotional crutches. Get some friends to talk to and lean on. Oh wait, you can’t because women are jealous of you and men just want to sleep with you. 

Stop thinking and acting like you are better than everyone else, you aren’t! 

There’s more, this is just the tip of the iceberg but it’s pissing me off thinking about it!

iamlosingit's picture

dear BM,

STOP acting like the CO doesn't apply to you but only DH because "he's the one that brought it on himself" by establishing his rights as a father.  You are lucky he cares, most women would be lucky to have a "baby daddy" like him. 

Stop letting your CHILD run the household.  An almost 11 y/o is NOT the 'man of the house' because DH left you.  He needs to learn to rinse his damn dishes, brush his gd teeth, comb his hair, get himself something to drink, and change his f'ing clothes when he comes over because you send him over wearing sweatpants in the middle of SUMMER.  Yes he has clothing at our house, but how would you feel wearing sweats at school all day until you get to OP??

In the same breath, STOP BABYING HIM.  The baby talk is ANNOYING AF!!! IT ISN'T CUTE. HE'S NOT A BABY!  He sounds  like a MORON.

You were once engaged to DH.  You ruined it.  Good job "locking him in" by lying about your birth control.  I wish dh never met you because I am stuck with you and your B$hit for another 7-ish yrs.

Why do you have to make everything into a battle? Why can't you communicate?? Why do you have to sneak around with ss and even leave the state... but god forbid we go camping 4 hrs away and dh almost has to leave a blood sample????

Get. your. Damn. Drivers. Permit...something! I'm sick and tired of living in a crappy part of town just so DH doesn't have to waste his visitation time with his son driving because you can't be bothered to meet half-way or participate at all in exchanges. It takes two to make a child, but I guess only one matters if they split up (according to the judges). Don't be surprised if you get a phone call saying "ss was shot" because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time!


secret's picture

At this point in my life, I don't think I have anything that I wish I could say. The drama that used to be has very much died down, and the things that come up are relatively minor, and DH shuts them down before they escalate to a car-keying frenzy.

If anything, it would be for her to stop talking about her woes to her son - he doesn't need to have her burdens on his almost 5 year old shoulders.