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Sort of a laugh

kathleen's picture

Okay, my friend Liz has had a bad bunch of luck lately. She missed getting the job of her dreams by making a mistake on an entrance exam, her mother died, and she got pnemonia and was feeling pretty shitty. All within 2 weeks. I called her today to see how she was and she said....

"Did I tell you about my vacation? Well DH thought I needed a little break after all I'd been through so we rented a house on the beach and planned to drink margueritas at sunset. Well while swimming and enjoying the surf, I came out of the water with a huge jelly fish attached to my face. It was in my mouth and wrapped around my neck, I was running up the beach trying to free myself and all the while thinking if I should have my DH pee on my face..."

I'm trying really hard not to laugh, so I said what did you do? and she said,

"we went to minor emergency" and I said, "and the doctor peed on your face?" I have a sick sense of humor but at least she does too. So on we went about how she took off her shirt (not really) and had all the doc's lined up for a good pee and laughed till our sides hurt.

Anyway, I know this is a really weird post but it made me think how much I love this friend because even when the going gets tough, and it really did for her, with a major climax, she could still laugh at herself.

We have plans for a girls night soon. She deserves it. I just thought, sometimes we need friends like that, who will make us laugh even when things just don't seem like they can get any worse.

I'm grateful to all of you, over and over again. You will never know how much.


Sasha's picture

I can picture her running on the beach with a jellyfish stuck to her face. Reminded me of the movie Aliens, though.

Well, if we didn't laugh about this stuff we'd be crying an awful lot!

Harleygal's picture

Has some of the worst luck I've seen. She has been struck by lightening and almost died back in 2000 on Father's Day, was chased by a nutso bird in a laundromat, had a branch fall out of a tree and hit her on the head. This was a branch, not a twig. She was also hit by a moving car two different times in the Wal-mart parking lot, had a lady in Wal-Mart jerk a VCR out of her hands and take off with it at Christmas time. She chased this lady down and jerked it back out of her hands and they just stood there and stared at each other. Needless to say she hates Wal-Mart. She's also wrecked every car she had except the one she's now driving.

Einstein's definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Colorado Girl's picture

that was sweet.

I have such admiration for the mighty warriors that walk amongst us. They are beat down by life, yet they keep marching along.

When it rains, it always seems to pour. Some of us stand and cry, some of us get umbrellas, and then there are the precious few who dance in the puddles.... Smile

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

Being a step mom sucks's picture

As long as we can still laugh, it's all good, and I'd like to add that as long as we can still rent houses on the beach, it's all good. Don't let them drag us down - people keep telling me that living well is the best revenge and as hard as that is to believe, in the end, it's what I have to hold on too.

I'm glad you have such a good friend! Good for both of you!