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Still dealing with SD8 and her babyish ways!

k8tie's picture

Hi, its been a long time since I posted. I decided to take a break from the computer for awhile and it actually felt pretty good. I am wondering if behavior like this never stops! I am sick and tired of her playing the "I cant do things myself" role ALL the time. She STILL wets the bed every single night and still has issues during the day on average 1-2 times a week! I cant even take her anywhere fearing that she will wet her pants and constantly having to turn down invitations that require overnight stays. She is oblivious to it and could care less that she does it and wont do anything to help herself stop. Her baby talking has gotten a lot better but the whining....OMG!! It's like nails on a chalkboard. Anyone else have a step that has done this that one day it just stopped or is still going through this?? HELP!!! We have been to the dr many times for the so called accidents and she is perfectly healthy. She knows exactly what she is doing. She just doesnt want to take the time away from what she is doing to go to the damn bathroom!



GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I hate to tell you this, but SS14- yes, FOURTEEN- still wets the bed. It used to be 6-7 nights per week, but ever since we made him start handwashing the sheets, he's only wet the bed twice in a month. We had him checked at the doctor too and there's no physical problem. His issue is laziness, pure and simple. Maybe the handwashing could work with your SD. I don't know, we tried everything else and this is the only thing that's worked for us. Good luck! The wetting thing is disgusting.

Hislastwife's picture

My DD8 would most likey rather pull all her hair out then to pee on herself!! Uck!! That has got to be soooo annoying!!! They have these bed alarms you can buy to put on a mattress & it makes the child very aware & is supposed to help. Have you tried that? And of course no drinks after dinner? Maybe small sips- but not a whole lot.

The whining is my biggest pet peeve ever!! Omg. It can really drive me over the edge. DH & I watched Super Nanny once & the whole families kids whiiiiiinnnneeeddd!!! Ugh. She had her & the parents start whining to the kids for a whole day. The kids got the point loud & clear and it made them quit since it drove them crazy to have their mom & dad whine !! Hysterical! We did it to SS11 (our whiner) & he quickly told us to quit!!!! So now when he starts to whine we do it right back & it stops it!!! Of course over exxagerate & all. But. It does work!!! Hehehe

imjustthemaid's picture

My DD11 and BD4 love to watch Supernanny. Then they run to me to tell me how bad the kids are!! It cracks me up!!

k8tie's picture

We do have her wash her own sheets but its a HUGE fight every time and I hate fighting with her over something as simple as washing sheets or even trying to get her out of bed at night to go to the bathroom. The alarm was a joke. Either she would sleep right through it or actually wake up, turn it off and go right back to sleep without making the effort to get out of bed to go!


GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Same with SS14! Big waste of $80. And adult diapers just made it easier to pee himself. Alas....