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When everything just grosses you out!

Justkeepswimming4's picture

Alright guys! I've been trying to be open about having step kids and such and not think about the differences. But does anyone else look at their step kids as they are picking their nose, sucking their feet?, biting their toe nails, or sucking on their fingers and smelling everything just odd? Does anyone else feel grossed out by their step kids and want to sanitize the whole couch and how when they leave? Honestly my step kids lay and fart all over our couch. They sit on the sides and pillows. Fart and pick their noses and I'm like how in the heck is their father not seeing this and telling them to have some manners in the hygiene department!!!? Ughhh someone please tell me they do!!??


Bex_S's picture

Yes. I feel like I need to coat everything in bleach the moment skid leaves. I even made sure we got leather couches so I could clean them too. We have the same issues with nose picking etc; it's disgusting.

tog redux's picture

Gross. Of course that grosses you out, it would gross me out if they were my biological kids.  Who the hell sucks on their feet past age 6 months?!

Your DH is a very lazy parent.  I'd be grossed out by his refusal to parent, too.

Trying to Stepmom's picture

My SD doesn't suck her feet but yes, I am grossed out by her/what she does. Between the lice, the occasional smells, improper disposal of sanitary napkins, the way she has to touch every part of her food when eating, and all of her mouth noises. And who knows what she's bringing home from school because she seems to have the need to touch everything! 

Thank goodness that I can use the excuse of having a newborn in the house to get her to wash her hands. 

Justkeepswimming4's picture

I wish I could use an excuse... lastnight I had to ask if SS6 had a loose tooth because he wouldn't get his hands out of his mouth and of course SO checks but doesn't tell SS6 to keep his hands out of his mouth.... I'm running out of ways to be polite. 

Justkeepswimming4's picture

SS6 is the one who sucks and licks his feet. I had to take a video of it because I knew SO wouldn't believe me. My BS8 pointed it out to me and asked why he did that.... all I could say is I wasn't sure but that gives you hand foot and mouth so don't you start doing that! BS8 wouldn't but he also doesn't do a lot of these gross things my SO kids do. I wonder what the heck BM does!? Does she ever hear from the school on these hygiene problems. Really makes me wonder. 

thinkthrice's picture

All three of chef's ferals were and still are disgusting.

Lizzylemon's picture

Omg homeless looking feral child sd9 bites her toenails. The one time I saw this in person I said, "ewww that's disgusting! Don't do that in my house again!" So now I'm assuming she does it at bm house who is equally as disgusting and feral. 

everything about this child grosses me out. When she leaves I spray Lysol over everything she touched. The only way I am able to keep from throwing up in my mouth when I see her is that I have her entire time with us scheduled and the first item in the schedule is take a shower, then brush teeth lol even though her mouth still smells like a garbage truck. Thankfully she stays in her room all the time and only comes out for a snack. 

I am literally the only person in this child's life who realizes that she is dirty when she walks through the door. The other day this child had smelly clothes on and actual dirt on her face when she came over. Dh looked at her and said he didn't see or smell anything. Omg really dh?! Clueless dude in this household ugh! 

SteppedOut's picture

I absolutely CAN'T live with someone like this. Not even part time. Not even occasional visits. 

OP, you have soldiered on and have dealt with it thus far, but can you long term? Have you discussed it with you husband? 

Justkeepswimming4's picture



he responds to me as if I'm being mean saying these things about them.... and how would I like it if he spoke about my child this way. I said if he had poor hygiene I would love to be notified. I explained he does not seem to notice it even when it is happening right around him. My son has stinky feet and I have sprayed and cleaned him and made sure he has clean socks on and this has been addressed. My son is also active and plays in the snow and gets his boots all wet and it doesn't help but I don't see that as being half as gross as picking noses and licking fingers and feet. I don't want to be mean about it and I've told him this. I just said you don't seem to notice and children need to be taught because if they do that in school that is considered poor hygiene.... then I said he needs to speak to them about it and everytime he sees them doing something gross. 

SteppedOut's picture

My formerSO's kid (13 when I left) had horrific hygiene, we are talking NASTY. Additionally he was a SLOB.

The very thought of seeing him eat makes me nauseous (I haven't seen it in 2 years) - of course he ate with his freaking 13! Not just "finger food", all food! Smeared all over his face...sucking and licking fingers and hands clean. *shudder* 

Unless your husband steps up, it will not get better. And it's grosser the older they get.