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jss2109's picture

Have 1 son and 2 s-sons.

Son has ADHD and SPD - stress for me big time

S-sons - 1 has ADHD and the other is a whiny brat

Can't seem to like them about 50% of the time. I am a believer in the occasional swat on the rear. I was brought up in a house where we would tease each other and fake punch, etc. (6 siblings!). However, BF got an email today threatening CPS because I teased SS11 about swatting him due to his attitude.

Just about my last straw before I take the brats to task.

I do not give a flying fig if they like me or not. I am here to stay. I own the house. They WILL show me respect. If they don't the they can either not speak to me or spend the entire time in their room.

I will continue to read and hope to gain introspect on how to handle the situation.


mommy_of_4's picture

Kids like that will find any way to bring you down. I have an SD13 who does just that...ALL the time. She has told so many lies about me and she just loves it cause grandma and grandpa feed her addiction for sympathy. I call her a sympathy whore. When I try and have a mature conversation with her..she picks out the not so good parts and leaves out the rest. I am so pissed off at her right now I wish i could pack her shit and move her to her moms. She is such a liar and she always will be. She has caused so much trouble for me for the past 6 years. I can't even stand to look at her anymore.