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Attempting Contempt Case Yet Once Again..............

imagr8tma's picture

Well now DH is scheduled to go to court again for the 4 time for the very same contempt case against BM. A short recap - BM has been alienating DH since beginning of SDs life. Several cases back and forth to fight for visitation, custody, money.... all very tiring to even discuss again really.

BM took 7 court ordered visits from Oct 2009 until now even after a new court order in 2009 told her to stop alienating DHs relationship with SD. Never shares school information, no report cards, no doctor appointments, no medical insurance card, refuses to answer the telephone calls daily like court ordered to. Just lazy and alienating.

Now the case is supposed to go to court on 12 January in NC. The funny thing about BM is that she does not think past getting more money in any of her actions. She took this past weekend just before court. She knows that SD was supposed to be here and then refused to allow SD to even speak with her father. Crazy - How do you take a visit just before court. I think she is bonafide crazy.
Her taking this past weekend visit will make a total of 8 visits - but how do you pull that just before court for a contempt case against you. When DH has kept all the emails and texts that you sent...... Just crazy!

Now it is required that DH and family drive all the way to NC again for this case.... 4 hours one way. I have absolutely no faith that it will not be continued again. I am so sick of this crap. I didn't even take off time for my own childs father to fight him in court.... but now I am wasting my vacation time for this crap.

This is all getting to be just outrageous. Hopefully the judge will finally hear the case and get something done about it. If you need more information on the case..... please read back in my blogs and you will see the demon DH is dealing with.


Rags's picture

The SpermClan pulled the out of state court case crap on my wife several times. My wife had our son when she was 16. She graduated with her class and moved out of state to attend an accelerated BS program. The SpermIdiot had abandoned my wife and the baby to run off with yet another 16yo GF so my wife wrote his toothless and worthless idiot ass off at that point and knew that she was going to have to provide for the kid by herself.

When BioDad found out that my wife was dating someone in college (me) he whined to SpermGrandMa that he missed his "wife" and kid, my wife and the SpermIdiot were never married, SpermGrandMa filed for custody on BioDad's behalf and the festivities began. They canceled several court dates the day before after my wife had flown back to her own state to attend hearings. Eventually her attorney jacked the Judge up about repeatedly approving postponements after my wife had flow in for the hearing. The date that finally held was a week after we married. Interestingly BioDad had married yet another 16yo GF a week before my wife and I married so that he would not get hauled of to prison for statutory rape.

We did kick the asses of the entire toothless SpermClan in court that day and every time since.

From your stories about her it is unlikely that BM is planning this consciously in an effort to drag it out or to impact your family financially. I can be hard, my wife traveled four times before she finally got in front of a judge. However, it sounds to me that with the long term history of violating your DHs visitation rights that you will likely have similar results to those that we had once we finally got the SpermIdiot to court.

Good luck and hand in there.

happymostly's picture

im glad you gave us an update. I reallyyy hope the judge will stop being an idiot and won't let it get continued and actually DO something more than a slap on the wrist, because I know that would suck so bad for you guys, to have had to deal with FOUR continuances, hope the judge gives some type of justice to you guys! good luck!

imagr8tma's picture

Well update..... continued again due to weather. So on to February.

Rags - she does it on purpose. She has ample time each case to get a lawyer. She goes and ask for a continuance to get a lawyer - continuance one. Then she hires the lawyer the day before the case and the lawyer asks for more time to find out about the case. Continuance two. Then she still lies to the lawyer and the lawyer finds out DH is not working any deals looks at the evidence and asks for another continuance for more time - continuance number three - when they should have talked before case.

BUT however this time it was continued due to weather so it will hopefully be held 10 February. She asks for repeated continuance for every case - even the ones she files except for child support cases.

Once it can be proven she is a liar.... she seems to always find a way to get it continued. I don't understand how the court is so ready to give her repeated continuances. MEANWHILE she is still doing stupid stuff. Enough is Enough!

happymostly's picture

oh my gosh I am so sorry Sad I feel for you! That is seeing the govt system at one of its worse moments Sad