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Inconsiderate BM

I am trying's picture

DH and I had plans to go watch the Superbowl with family members at a restaurant/sports bar. Because it's a special event with pre-ordered meals, etc. you had to reserve your spot early. We figured SD13 would be going home before we needed to leave, so it seemed it was going to work out. BM knew about our plans as well and nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary on her end either. Then this morning, out of the blue, BM calls and says her and her hubby are in another city over an hour away at some kind of tournament for their son (8 yrs old), and that they didn't know what time they would be back (I guess it depended if he won or lost whatever games or matches he had) so they would come pick up SD when they were on their way home, whenever that would be.

Smelled funny since:
1)Their son only does one sport and it's martial arts, and SD does it too, so if there was a tournament - in another city at that - she would have gone, or at least known about it!
2)If there was a tournament, BM would have known about it a long time ago, and knowing we had plans that day, you'd think she would at least let us know beforehand to make some sort of arrangement with us. Maybe SD would have wanted to go cheer her brother on at his (fake) tournament!

So DH says it's pretty thoughtless of BM to not tell him earlier, since she knew we had plans to go out. BM was very unapologetic and just spun it as "oh, well at least you don't have to drive SD home this time," like they're doing him this huge favour, since DH always picks up and drops off SD, and she lives on the other side of town from us (which is annoying already that they don't share that reponsibility).

Then a few minutes ago, BM calls and says they are already back home and DH can drop off SD whenever he wants. Ummm...wasn't the one silver lining of us having to cancel our plans that DH wouldn't have to drive all the way and drop off SD? And they were supposed to call when they were leaving the other city, so SD could be ready and in the event that it was still early enough, maybe we could still make it out to our dinner/game. But at this point, so close to kickoff, we had of course already called DH's family and told them we couldn't go and to invite their neighbours or someone else instead, which they did (we called just in case they didn't find anyone else).

So now DH and I are stuck at home just watching the game with no yummy superbowl food and no fun company either! I'll even have to DVR the beginning of the game since DH won't even be back in time to see it - all while BM is cozy at home, and I can almost guarantee she has a bunch of people over watching the game. I wonder exactly how long BM had been home before she called DH to bring SD. So convenient that the timing worked out so well in her favour...


Doesnteatcrow's picture

I would have asked where you were to drop her off so you could have gone. She can pay for a babysitter. and at 13 does she really need one?