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And Beaver has left the building aka Sd graduated today

halo1998's picture

Yes folks after 17 years we are Beaver freeeeeeeeee.  The crotch goblin extortion is now ended.  I need a t-shirt that says. I survived Beaver and the cg extortion.  DH was a ball of anxiety and annoyance but we made it through the ceremony.   I don't take his shiznit personally now.  I wore a new dress and my louboutins and looked amazing I must say.   Next up grad party tomorrow and SD will start cosmology in September.  

DH and I are now empty nesters.  Woohoo 


Shieldmaiden's picture

Congrats, Halo!!  Our youngest BM crotchgoblin is graduating this June too. I'm so excited to be done with BM. 

Rags's picture

It goes on, and on, and on then ... poof. They graduate. 

As far as SD and cosmology, I am betting there will be a ton of begging since cosmetology is not a particularly high paying field except for the truly talented in the top few % of the earners in that field who can earn mid 5 figures annual incomes.

Cosmology has a notably higher earning potential with the top earners in the low 6 figures annual incomes.

Little Type Amy's picture

I hope you plan to celebrate if you havent done so already! Having the BM and SKIDS out of your hair as much as possible is usually a wonderful occassion. Go Pop that Champagne Top if you care to indulge  or treat yourself to something fun! 

AgedOut's picture

It was a loooooong road but you made it!!!

And now Beaver can slink back to her cesspool and away from you for the forevers!! Congratulations!

Lillywy00's picture

The crotch goblin extortion is now ended.  I need a t-shirt that says. I survived Beaver and the cg extortion

Probably could sell these lol 

This reminds me of a conversation I had with my ex who was a staunch Disneyland Dad and when his time with me started dwindling down (due to his lack of boundaries with his ex wife and kids), he was like "what can we do to make this work" and I'm thinking um.... "hit me up after your kids turn 18 and your legal obligation to child support payouts are ending."

That child support payroll is a difficult pill to swallow knowing household money going out to some other woman's household (while it's beneficial for those's not quite beneficial to my lifestyle especially with a Disneyland Dad who is guilty and pays out more than required/longer than required) 


Hope y'all train your DH to say NO or let me discuss with my wife for any post 18 cash grabs because that payroll does not end if you deal with a Disney parent who raised needy indefinite dependents

Harry's picture

Or else it's will not be Beaver.  Wate when that CS check doesn't show up?   There will be SD phone calls every day. For ATM service.  Money for food, clothings.  cosmology School it's nir free. That money must be in by   Things needed for cosmology school.  
'Time to have that talk on what you are going to pay. And pay not.  Don't let it be a weekly thing. 

''Do you seriously think a Disney dadddy is going to cut off his kid ?

CLove's picture

Start planning those vacation getaways Biggrin