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Day 12

habsle's picture

Will the back talk never end? I wish that I wasn't the only one that sees him doing this. He does it when DH is home but I'm the only one it seems to bother. When DH is home SS ends up being the greatest kid but when I am not, he turns into a brat from hell. I ended up freaking out only to be told to "Listen to what you say. No wonder he doesn't listen." Excuse me! I say the same damn thing you say. I just get fed up after the 3rd time of him "not hearing." Believe me, his hearing is fine. I've had it checked by the schools every year. I want to stop crying daily.


oneoffour's picture

You ever heard Charlie Browns teacher? That is how boys hear us women.

Ignore the brat. If he does something wrong let it go. If it is something that belongs to you take it to your DH and say "This is broken, I need to replace it."

I wouldn't even SPEAK to him... or DH for that matter.