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anything we can do??

Gana's picture

My FSK live with us but visit their mother every other weekend and my one SK has been with his friends a lot on weekends and she goes to work and leaves the one child home alone for about eight hours from like 3 to 9 at night and he is only 14 years old. Is there anything we can do about this? She lives in an apartment complex and we are not sure we can do anything but leaving one child home alone to me is not good, if they were both together and the other one is 17 that woudl be okay but one child for 7 to 8 hours alone? what do you think?


Willow2010's picture

I hate to point this out but 3-9 is only 6 hours.

But none the less...there is nothing you can do. You can try to talk to BM, but I think it makes you look very picky.