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I just don't get it, What does he want from me! its a bit long...sry

foxymama87's picture

Okay so this forth of July weekend we had SD9. (We actually have had her all weekends since school ended!..Sob) Well this Saturday my sister and nephews who I see once or twice a month came over to have a BBQ and spend some family time with us. Well Dear fiance has Sprained his ankle and was pretty much stuck in the house not wanting to do much which was understandable. Anyway we all decide to go to our pool and play water volleyball. SD9 was also joining in the fun.

Anyhow after a while we decide to end the game and just do our own thing at the pool. I swam and played with my nephews for a bit, My Sister laid out, her husband drank beer and of course SD9 was on the pool stairs pouting because according to her "everyone is ignoring her." Note: This girl HAS to, by all means have someone to play with her at ALL TIMES for her to have some kind of fun. She does not, can not play or entertain herself, has no imagination what so ever and if she is not entertained by someone or something, electronics for example then she is not happy. My youngest nephew who is one year younger the she is, is at the pool in a corner pretending to blow up space ships with these colored pool rings and SD9 is in the other end pouting because god for bid if she pretends to be a mermaid in the pool looking for her prince etc... Ridiculous!

Anyway, I did not pay any attention to her, true. One because this is her daily routine which I'm sick of. She sits in a corner, pouts, and whines when no one wants to play with her anymore. I am not made out of energy! I to need a break from play time! sheeh and Sorry if I don't want to have to entertained her 24/7! Two because My nephews were visiting and I wanted to spend sometime with THEM for a change since I don't get to as often as I would like.

Well she noticed no one was going to go to her rescue and after 15 mins of pouting she decides to go inside the house to cry to daddykins. Anyway 30 mins after she had left, we all go inside to eat. DF is sitting by the kitchen table, well as I walk towards him he whispers to me "Why are you being mean/bitch to SD9?" I'm thinking excuse me? is that a rhetorical question? Because no one was being mean aka a bitch! I was pissed because of the way he approached me about it. Not asking me, Why is his daughter upset but pretty much accusing me of being "mean/a bitch to her" He was not present at the pool with us and has no clue what had happened. He didn't bother to hear my side of the story only went by what SD9 had told him and went with it, left it at that!. which bothered me the most. Well I told him no one was being mean and left it at that.

After dinner we decide to go to the pool again SD9 got upset because she had gotten a shower already because she thought we were not going back. Too bad I thought, she should have thought about it or asked one of us before storming off early because no one wanted to play with her. We ask her if she wants to join us anyway and she says No because she doesn't want to take another shower (mind you this girl hates showers or anything that involves cleanliness.) Well then thats when DF again tells me she prob doesn't want to come because I was being mean/a bitch to her and not talking to her. Which by the way was in front of my sister as well.

Then I blow off... one because Again he approached me the wrong way(or so I think)and Two for trying to put me on the spot instead of talking to me in private if this subject meant that much to him. I told him, I quote "Sorry if I don't want to have to stop everything I do for SD9, its not always about her!, My nephews are here and they deserve just as much time with me. I don't see them as often as I see her and she has to learn to share me!"

Well that didn't go so well. SD9 started crying and DF gave me the death look. I didn't care at that point I was already upset and everything I said had just slipped out. He then tried to comfort SD9 by telling her that its okay "HE would stop everything to tend to her" Good for him I'm thinking that makes one of us.

Sorry this is long, story short.. According to my sister I was 'Very harsh" and deserve to apologize to SD9 and DF more her then him. And that HE also needs to learn to approach these things a lot better.

I had apologized to SD9 who already got over the little spat as I thought she would.(DF thinks she is still a baby, a victim and deserves to be treated kindly at ALL TIMES.) Now HE is still upset with me after I tried to make my peace. Which I don't understand. Because if he had just asked me nicely instead of pointing fingers then maybe just maybe he would have avoided me blowing up the way I did.

What do you think?


foxymama87's picture

yeah no kidding! that's what I thought! and I even asked him if he wanted to join us at the pool but he "didn't feel like it" so I was stuck watching her, playing the Mom role he thinks I should step up to, which by all means is fine. But really? when My nephews are visiting and I want to spend time with them. How is that not selfish? I now see where SD9 gets it from.

aggravated1's picture

But see, it's not fine. You ar not her mother, because if you were, HE wouldn't expect you to wait on her hand and foot. Sorry, but if this is his attitude and you aren't married yet, you have a long road ahead of you. it doesn't get better.
If my DH had spoken to me like that, he would not have worried about me doing anything else with his kid and he could take the reponsibility.
If my sister had been talked to like that in front of me, her future fiance would not like me anymore once I was through with him.

foxymama87's picture

I kinda see your point, He does mean well in his own twisted way. He thinks SD9's mother is a poor excuse for a women/mother/person etc.. He wants me to be the women SD9 looks up to and goes to, not her mother. I guess he wants me to be SD9's "replacement mother". Which is wrong of course because he should know better then try to replace any one especially someone's mother. But he just wants SD9 to know that she can count on me and according to him being 'Mean to her" will only push her further from us (HIM) and closer to her mother. He doesn't want ME being the reason she decides to want to stay/live with her mother.(we have full custody of SD9.)

Which is stupid because all parents know or should know. That a young child with divorced parents will prefer/want to live with a parent/household that has less structure,boundaries,rules etc.. And WE have that in our home, unlike SD9's mother who lets her do whatever she wants. I try to remind him that SD9 might want her mother now but when she gets older she will learn to appreciate what we've done for her in the long run and that WE are the ones that care for her and want whats best for her NOT her dear mother.

Why is step parenting so freakin complicated!!!

aggravated1's picture

And to add-your sister gives shitty advice. Unless she likes to see you treated like a doormat, then I guess it would be good advice.

briarmommy's picture

You did nothing wrong, even with a sprained ankle he could have spent time with his kid. If I had a sprained ankle I would still spend time with my daughter. Your sd should be able to play and get on without constant attention. If you can't talk calmly with your Dh maybe you should write him a letter laying out your side and explaining calmly your feelings about the situation. I sometimes write emails to my DH to explain myself so I don't get to emotional and go off topic.

Elizabeth's picture

Yeah, the sprained ankle thing is a little ridiculous. I had a herniated disc in my back and was in excruciating pain. I still went to work every day AND took my kids to their activities and spent time with them. He should be grateful his kid got to go to the pool at all. Next time tell him if he doesn't come, neither does SD.

stepmomNM's picture

Don't expect us stepmom's to take care of YOUR kids and than complain about everything. I am sooo sick of that. Take care of your own damn kids than! My ss8 :sick: tattles on me all the time. He tells my DH and BM that I am mean. LMAO. When did it become a crime to make a child pick up after himself??????

Jsmom's picture

Not sure why you apologized. You didn't do anything wrong. Honestly I would have gone off after the first comment. He can get off his but and sit outside with his kid. She is not yours....

foxymama87's picture

I also forgot to mention. Another reason why DF didn't want to go out to the pool was because he was trying to keep MY father company (My father came for a visit to and he was doing some of the cooking for the BBQ) Because I guess MY father is the one that needs watching over not HIS 9 yr old daughter! lmao