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What to do with previous life photos, momentos and my wedding dress?

floridagirlal's picture

My fiance and I both have old photo albums and other things that we have decided to keep for the kids. I also have my wedding dress. Has anyone else saved this stuff and how? I suggested that we get a big box and BOTH of our photos and other items goes in to 1 box. This makes it feel as if both of our pasts have been boxed up together and stored away. I don't like the thought of keeping separate boxes of stuff. That makes me feel as if someone is hiding...I don't know why...I'm just psycho, I guess.


lexaprotakemeaway's picture

I agree. My mother was one of those people who saved everything.. even christmas cards. She didn't know what the hell to do with them, but she kept them.. like someone was ever going to do anything with them? Anyway.. I guess I became the polar opposite, because I throw everything away. If I don't have a use for it, it goes in the trash. I have most of my pictures stored digitally, so I don't even keep picture albums. I dread the day when I have to go through all my parents' crap and listen to everyone guilt me because I don't wanna keep dad's ______ (insert.. guns, hats, pipes he inherited from my gpa, etc..).
I still have my wedding dress, but only because I was just married in August. I've been trying to sell it.
DH has 1 box of shit he kept from his 1st ex, SD13's egg doner, because he thought she might want some pictures someday. He also keeps the divorce decree and court documents that blatently say she's freaking certifiable.. just incase that ever comes up.
He also keeps his wedding ring from SS9's BM, so he can 'give it to SS9 when he's older, incase he wants to use it when he gets married (makes no sense to me.. I mean, we're talking about a failed marriage here. Why would you want to use rings from a failed marriage, even if it was your parents'?)
So.. yeah. I'm not a saver so I don't have any good advice about saving.. other than saving your kids the trouble of filtering through all the shit you think they should think is important some day after you're gone.

Eyes Wide Open's picture

I know DH's personal stuff from his former life in in a box in the garage. In our case, though, my first husband died, so I do have some "memories" here. It's not like he took any of his stuff with him when he died, so I ended up with all of it! And, we had a wonderful marriage (23 years), so I want some memories out and about. Besides, I kind of feel like if I don't remember him, no one else will.

Gwen's picture

We have separate boxes. My DH is very sentimental and a photographer by hobby and wants to keep everything. Fine. I like to keep my stuff too even though I wasn't married before. But I have no desire to his wedding photos or even photos of the kids when they were babies. Likewise, he doesn't want to see photos of me with my exes. Separate works and is just fine with me. We moved recently and his boxes are not hidden away as much as I'd like yet, so I give 'em the evil eye when I walk through the storage room Smile