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Sunday morning

Fedupskiddad2's picture

So I've been up since 4 am reading and my nephew 15 comes out.  He hasn't been to bed yet. I proceeded to ask him if he's going to reimburse me for all the electricity he's using.  Then it hit me after talking with him. I have tried for years turning lights off, and other things when wife and I lived together to adress pur high electric bill. I was told im not her dad and its a normal thing for stuff to be on all night and lights to be left on. There's a difference.  Im going to her house to make breakfast in abpit a half hour. Im turning all switches off in the electric panel except for my kitchen and furnace. My nephew will get the clue then. I was just listening to her last week botch abput a payment agreement she was in with the electric company due to a high bill. She dosnt ask ss18 who now works full time to contribute or ss17 who works part time to contribute at all. On one hand im glad I don't live with her dealing with it but as the months pass im realizing it will never change. 

I'm trying to be positive about my marriage but at this point I'm basically dating staying away from my stepson.  Only bringing enough to make for her and I lol. 


tog redux's picture

Are you in a place with super high electricity costs? Where I am, all of this micromanaging of electricity use would be pretty odd. Air conditioning and heat are the things that eat up most electricity, so it's reasonable to set limits on those, but lights on all night, and even computer/TV don't draw all that much.

Anyway, I would have zero patience listening to her whine about things she makes no effort to address.

Fedupskiddad2's picture

My step son also runs servers in his bedroom which suck a lot of power. Plus literally EVERY Blight in the whole house is on. It's a 1000 square foot 3 bedroom.  Her bill is upwards ofv200 a month.  For comparison my father has 8 acres with 4 with electric fence for the donkeys and horses andbhis only runs about 225 dollars a month. 

not your momma's picture

A $200 electric bill...We're lower than that most of the time now, but for a while, when everyone was living here (4 skids, 2 of their girlfriends, one of the girlfriend's kids, and me and DH, our bill was upwards of $700 per month. And that was on budget billing. But we live in a 2500+ sq ft house that is all electric, so it's pretty expected that our bill will be higher at certain times of year.