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Bee With An Itch

Fading's picture

In my last post, I briefly mentioned a rash that sprung up out of nowhere. I went to the doctor last Saturday and he said it was an allergic reaction of some sort and prescribed Prednisone (which is the WORST damn medication in the world...Makes me feel bipolar, and loopy. Can't sleep. Want to eat my neighborhood out of house and home). Well, after 4 days of 40mgs/day, the rash is not going away. So Doc recommended I see a dermatologist. The dermatologist concluded it is NOT a bug bite or skin disease of any sort. It is also NOT hives. But it is a histamine reaction caused by STRESS. She asked me a few questions and....lo and behold...she feels SD and BM are WAY to much stress on my system and until this rash clears up I am to relax, keep clear of SD/BM drama, and take Xanax.

So it is true, being a stepparent can cause you to become physically ill. Just more side effects of living this life :O


Fading's picture

The rash is horrible. It has covered about 67% of my body at this point and itches like crazy and hurts like hell (they swell and get hot and hard under the skin. feels like my muscle is melting in some spots). So beware of Step-stress!

INgeborg Hirsch's picture

Allergies to toxins in our food or environment can happen at any time. All food has natural toxins and now synthetic toxins (i.e perservatives to extend shelf life, etc.) PLEASE please, first eliminate all wheat products from your diet. It is estimated 40 percent of the population is allergic to wheat, but does not know it. I have had mild to moderate eczema on my upper arms, chest and back for about the last 25 years due to wheat. By systematically removing foods from my diet, only recently I realized wheat was causing my skin problems. If eliminating wheat from your diet does not work to improve the rash; Next eliminate corn. All corn is considered a pesticide, because bugs will die when they eat corn. Today all corn is GMO. If bugs die when they eat corn, the corn is not good for you either. Next eliminate drinking milk products. Eat only foods that have less than five ingredients; i.e. steamed vegetables, greek yogurt, potatoes, almond mild, etc. see what works for you. Also disassociate from those step children!

Fading's picture

Rofl Whimsey! I am already on a gluten-free diet (although I fail at times, but not for the last 2-3 months!) and I am also on a low lactose diet (lactose intolerance!). So it is really not a food allergy. Doc was about 98% sure that the type of rash I am experiencing is typically entirely conducive to stress.

just tired's picture

I concur!!!! Earlier this year due to drama & chaos created solely by SD15 I ended up with intestinal difficulties that lasted three months....3 months of running to the bathroom at all hours of the day & night. This is partly why she is currently banned from our home...other factors contributed to that decision, but that was a big part of it!

Pook's picture

Holy cats! That is brutal! Are the doctors certain it isn't shingles? I think that is stress-induced as well (you are susceptible if you have had chicken pox as a child)

Fading's picture

They took some scrapings and it's not shingles or any other skin disease. Just a terrific, welty, hot mess. I am on week 4 of dealing with these darn things. Sad Getting very miserable.

stepsonhatesme's picture

I didnt get a rash from stress, but worse, High Blood Pressure.
(side note: prednisone is HORRIBLE....I was on 100 mg for almost 1 month----I gained sooo much weight)