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SM New to this site :) fighting the battle

dsmontante's picture

I got my first response yesterday and it made me cry. In a good way. Just to know someone out there understands the way I feel. I have cared for these two boys SS6 and SS11 in our custody for 3 years.
BM is the most unstable crazy person I have ever meet. I talked to me local Senators office today to ask to cusody help...One day I will explain. but our courts are all screwed up. We received these boys from CPS and are fight a different court for custody? I feel like we are defending ourselves to the court for something that we didnt do. She lost the boys the DH and me SM. And she wont leave us alone and the court treat us like it is a custody case. Whatever. We will see..I am going to change this law.
I AM AND WILL but again thank you all of you for you support