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Another day, another Lie from the mouth of Ms. Perfect herself

dbsojo's picture

This woman is psycho. And might I add that I hit the nail on the head yesterday, when I said she wanted him to miss this weekend's visitation. It's a shame we don't get extra credit for ESP (LFBS, I should say, the Logical Following of Bull, know the rest).

So now that sending him out in the snow, and claiming he's sick doesn't work, she's reverted back to just being a B. Mic called and talked to ss last night. Of course, they started talking about this weekend. ss said bm said that she has him this weekend. Mic was willing to violate the "not talking to her" rule, and rightfully so. ss said she couldn't talk, that she was giving the baby a bath. (I have to insert how interesting it is that anytime they are talking, she's right there over his shoulder, trying to get him off the phone, either dinner is ready {at 7:30 pm} or he has to take a shower, whatever she can come up with. But when Mic needs to talk to her about something, she's doing something with the baby.) So anyway, Mic didn't want to put ss in the middle of it, so he just said that his mom needed to call him back ASAP when she was done with the baby.

After he got off of the phone, I told him that she wasn't going to talk to him, much less initiate a conversation by calling back. Psychic db, right again. So after 20 minutes, he called. And called and called. Finally, she turned off the phone.

As far as we're concerned, he's got his paperwork, so if cops have to escort him to the house, then so be it. But it would be a lot less traumatizing for ss if she would just keep up her part of the agreement. I guess she doesn't realize that when they came to an agreement last Friday, when she lied and said he was sick, Mic had her on speakerphone at work. There are at least 3 people there, including 2 of his bosses, that heard her say they had an agreement. And you better believe that family court is getting yet another phone call from us. Not that it matters-they won't call us back anyway.

I can't wait for the court date to roll around. Hell, I can't wait for the court date to come in the mail!

P.S. This all goes back to the control factor, I know. But this is what I've been warning all these girls about when their significant others brown-nose. This is what we get when we brown nose (ie: Mic giving ss the ibuprofen). It's never enough, and the nicer you are to this woman, the more she acts like this.

I predict, according to the LFBS theory, that after some pushing from Mic, that we will eventually get ss for visitation. Then she'll dump all of his schoolwork on us, all the while providing none of the paperwork. She'll be all over us about this sleepover on Saturday, and may even try to pick him up from it. Then she'll be totally uncooperative on Sunday with the pick up.

You like to think better of people, I know. I do too. But not with this one. ...not with this one. I mean, come on. Even you guys knew as of last Friday night what the agreement was. Now, she doesn't want to follow through. Oh well, let deny visitation. It's just more to take in front of the judge, should we ever get this stupid court date.


Caitlin's picture

Just replace SS with SD and Mic with my fiance's name and you have just described what we go through on a regular basis. The denying visitation, the lying, the hovering over SD on the phone and telling her to get off for dinner/shower/homework/fill-in-the-blank, the suddenly being unavailable to talk when you want to assert your parental right to visitation, the turning off the phone to avoid the issue, the making an agreement and reneging later, the putting SD in the middle to inform you that she has reneged on your agreement, the controlling behavior about medication, the dumping all schoolwork on us with no paperwork, the just plain old uncooperative vindictive BS!!!

These two are born from the same mold, db. Is your SS's BM mentally unstable too? If not, what's her excuse? Just plain selfishness?

kristilibons's picture


Same story as well-- except for like I said earlier my H's EX has become so delusional that aside from pretty much zero visitation-she really doesn't take the kids anywhere herself-- she doesn't trust anyone--I had said we think she has PPD and BPD-- who knows what else-- It will be interesting to see what the psych eval shows as a diagnosis.I am eagerly awaiting our court date on the 28th--(Finally) that only took 4 months!! Why does it take so long when it is so obvious that the children are being emotionally abused and toyed with by a deviant mother?? Anyway I was talking to a girlfriend of mine- I had expressed that I wonder what she will try to accuse me of next--so far her false claims that I am a substance abuser and a Satan worshiper,gold digger,adulterer-- have all been disregarded--DUH!!I could go on with the lies this woamn has made up about me ,my husband, children,granparents etc.. the list goes on--I truly am befuddled as to what else she could possibly come up with-- I am guessing-- that she will come to court with photo shopped images of me having an affair with bigfoot!! she could even throw in that I am also an alien-- that is pretty much where she is menatlly at this point! anyway wishing you luck, hope you get that court date-- it's always the same kind of crap- we deal with the non answered phone calls-- the kids are never available to talk-- same thing then when he wants to speak with her( confront her) she always seems to be " busy" SURE!! Anyone else planning a trip to the Bahama's after their court date is over?? I know we are! take care!!

Caitlin's picture

My SD's BM is diagnosed bipolar, but the therapists now on our case believe her to have borderline personality disorder. She is off the deep end just like the BM you're dealing with so I know what you're going through first hand. Good luck at your court date at the end of the month. I hope that the psych eval is fair and accurate! In the meantime, I hope the kids are safe. It is so scary to know that they are in the sole care of a seriously disturbed individual.

Keep us posted.

Little Jo's picture

And that's what it is, crap, in it's simplist form. The stuff you no longer need. The stuff you have to purge from your body.
Sorry dbs, it's Friday, no kids tonight, I've had a couple of drinks.
It never ceases to amaze me how retarded these BM's think. WTF. This is their flesh and blood. Work with them no matter what happens in life. If they hooked up with a pimp, would you fight as hard to protect them as your doing from their other parent.
BM's just DO NOT want to accept the failure of their marriage. They will blame everyone else for that failure, than stand up and scream how much they love their child. Yeah, but lets use that same child as a pawn in your sick twisted little mind.

Sorry for the small rant, I hope you know I care. Best thoughts your way. Jo