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How do you deal with a BM that is IMPOSSIBLE to deal with??

Dani_82's picture

I am a good person. I am kind-hearted to near fault. I can't help but feel sorry for people who clearly have problems, even when they are mean, belligerent, and psychotic to me. The only thing that really gets to me is someone being unkind to my DH or child. Unfortunately, BM has done all of the above. We have endured 2 years of texts messages that she "accidentally" sends to my DH. Everything from texts about loving anal sex to how my daughter (whom I was, at the time, 8 months pregnant with) would probably be born mentally retarded. She was not, not that I would have loved her any less. She has primary custody, and there is no custody or child-support orders from the courts. It is all handled by DH and BM. What that means is a lot of hassle. Everything from her refusing to meet us half-way for weekends (we live 3 hours away) to refusing as access to them on the day we are supposed to pick them up to go to the beach for vacation. She did end up letting us have them, only after we gave her $200. We are NEVER late of child-support and see the children at any time that is allowed by my husbands demanding schedule. Nothing is ever good enough. For example, my SS8 and SD5 were supposed to come to our house last weekend with their grandparents (my in-laws), but my SD was diagnosed with RSV. We have a 4 month old daughter, so it was agreed upon by everyone that it was not healthy for SD to travel or for my daughter to be exposed to RSV. I spent hours putting together a "Get Well" package for my SD and a "Stay Well" package for my SS. I included hand-sanitizer, musical get-well cards, coloring books, markers, crayons, chapstick, Sunny D, etc. I also baked and decorated cupcakes. It may not sound like much, but as the mother of a newborn I get very little sleep and have more than enough to do. It was a labor of love. I sent the package back with my in-laws and they dropped it off that night. When we called the next day to see how the kids were and how they liked their packages, they had no idea what we were talking about. Of course their mother has them talk to us on speakerphone, so she knows the who conversation and so she can direct the kids on what to say. She has them tell us that she was saving them for later. She is basically forced to give the packages to them. Of course, the cards and any indication that they are from us are mysteriously missing. It just made me sad. Sad that she would withhold things from her children that would make them happy, especially when one of them was sick.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. She constantly lies about jobs she has, classes she is taking, things she bought the kids, houses they are buying, vehicles they have bought...all the while, making the kids tell the same lies. My poor SD5 told me the last time she was here that "sometimes Mommy tells us we have to tell you guys things, but we are just kidding". It is heartbreaking.
We have trying engaging in the arguments, in a completely adult way. Addressing every problem she had with the kids being at our home (we lock them in their room while we either have sex or do drugs (complete lie), we let them watch adult television (lie), the list just goes on). That didn't work. It was like trying to debate with a machine. With each problem addressed, she came up with 5 more accusations, mean comments, etc. We've tried ignoring her, but that didn't work. She just withholds the children. I just don't know what to do. I have never had to deal with anything like this.
I am just so fearful of the day my SS and SD decide they hate because their mother hates me. It would just break my heart and be so hard for DH and DD. I just want it to stop, but she seriously has issues. I think she probably needs mental help.
It also makes me so angry that she questions my parenting skills, cooking skills, housekeeping skills, etc. They have 15 indoor cats and to pitbulls in the house. The kids tell us that they can't even go in their finished basement because of the animal feces. The are sent to our home with no clothing, or clothing that I would be embarrassed to give to the Goodwill, flip-flops in the winter, no underwear, no socks or clothing that reeks of cat urine with perfume sprayed on them. It's pitiful. Even though my DH pays a large sum of money in child-support, they can't afford to get my SS a 20$ haircut...but she informs me that they only buy organic foods and we will be expected to do the same for the children while they are here. That's fine with me, I try to buy organic, but it's hard knowing that she's just so full of shit. When the children are here they want to eat spaghetti out of a can (unheated, still in the can) and not my homemade spaghetti, because that's what they are use to.
This is still just the tip of the crazy iceberg. I just need help. Someone tell me how to handle this. How do I defuse it? How do you communicate with someone who clearly lives in a fantasy world.
Sorry this is so long, I guess I'm just frustrated and out of answers.


Purplemom's picture

You don't handle this. Your H does. If he is unwilling to get an order from the court to stop the crazy then you have your answer- he sees no reason to fix this and you make decisions for yourself accordingly. I'm sorry this is so wearing on you. It is your H's job to shield you and your child and set boundries with the crazy.

Dani_82's picture

The way I feel about it, when I married him I accepted all of his flaws. One of those flaws is the person he chose to have children with. I want my step-children to love me and respect me. I don't think that arguing or letting my husband argue with their mother will help the situation.
We don't know how to force the courts to intervene because she refuses to file child-support papers. I want my husband and I to work on this problem together, not let it come between us.

Dani_82's picture

It's really not. We have no clue about these things. We were told, and remained under the impression, that she must do this.

Purplemom's picture

Then unless you live outside of the United States or in some weird jurisdiction you have recieved spectacularly bad advice. No one has a clue about these things until they make the effort to educate themselves or pay someone to guide them. I thi k your h is feeding you lines.

Dani_82's picture

It would be more likely that she fed him lines and he naively believed them : (
I have tried to research it, but there are so many laws and so many differences from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. I suppose it has come down to hiring a lawyer.

misSTEP's picture

Have your DH go to Child Support Enforcement. They will have all the paperwork he needs to fill out available. No lawyer necessary...until you get to getting visitation orders added to the CS order.

oneoffour's picture

As long as there is no court order he hasn't a leg to stand on. How does your DH feel about being at his ex's beck and call? how does he feel about handing over hostage money to see his kids? And why on EARTH are you listening to her diatribe about what you can/can't do in your own home or even addressing the whole dreamed up illusion about what happens behind your front door? Why feed into the crazy?

This is why she does this ... BECAUSE SHE CAN! Loud enough for you? You are trying to be logical with a crazy-woman. Your DH needs to get to a lawyer and take her arse to court and get terms and conditions laid down. She will hate it but only then will there be some accountability and she will not be able to extract money from you any longer.

Please don't take offense to this but ... are you the reason he left her? Because maybe this is some kind of guilt behaviour?

The only person who can stop this is your DH. His schedule will have to go on hold for an hour every couple weeks so he can speak to an attorney and haul her arse into court. He will probably continue paying the same amount of CS (precedent has been set) but at least she will not be able to withhold the kids without some eventual repercussions. And if she withholds the kids because he files in court ... well it sucks to be her when it is brought up in court, right? As for the intrusive accusations... simply tell her that if she is so concerned she may want to file a complaint with the appropriate agency. Then this causes her stupid accusations to become part of admissable testimony. And you could report her yourselves you know based on the kids heresay.

Your DH has to decide if his kids are worth it.

Dani_82's picture

No, I am not the reason he left. I have known him for many years, on a strictly friend basis. She left him for another man about 5 years ago. We have been together for 2 1/2 of those.
I just try to keep the peace. I don't let my husband engage in arguments that are fruitless and pointless. I don't play in to most of the delusional shit she does/says. I have an awesome step-mom. She and my mother or father never had any issues. I just don't know how to handle this situation because I have never had any experience with this sort of thing.
It's hard for me to be harsh, even when she is the spawn of Satan. I just want things to be easier, and I don't want to make them harder.

mndblwn's picture

Take the woman to court. Your DH should have full custody due to the fact of the condition her house is for them. No wonder one of them is sick. Your DH needs to step up to the plate and stand up for himself and his children. If you guys send the money to her and still have to buy things for the kids then have that stuff stopped by getting custody and then you have all the means to take care of those children. Let her know she is on the back burner and maybe asked for non over night visits so the kids don't have to stay in that condition. I agree with oneoffour!!! Stop paying her child support also if there is no court order. buy the things directly for the kids. If she complains they have no food pick a time when you can drive down and go grocery shopping. buy the kids clothes.

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

I would go thru the court system & fight for custody. No matter what stop paying her directly- go thru child support engorcement until all things are decided. Get. A. Court. Order!! Its to Protect your DH!!! It is soooo needed!!!

misSTEP's picture

Any money paid outside of Child Support Enforcement could be interpreted by the courts as "gifts." Make sure that any money you guys give to her is NOT cash and has an iron-clad paper trail. Write checks with Child Support in the memo line...that type of thing.