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Sociopathic Disaster (SD) ACT VI

DaizyDuke's picture

So is this Act, SD is freaking the hell out because Aunt J has cut her off. Remember, SD is going to college in Aunt J state and while she's living on campus, SD has no car, no driver's license, no job. So without Aunt J and the now Ex boyfriend to cart her ass around and coddle her and do everything for her, she is going to be truly on her own. So, in typical Sociopathic Disaster style, she has run to BM1 and has rounded up the troops to being the onslaught of phone calls, text messages and emails. I've been giving Aunt J the play by play BEFORE the shit even happens. She's been amazed! It's almost as if I have a crystal ball. But alas I am no gypsy, I've just been through this approximately 1.4 million times with DH. Every time SD doesn't get the new phone she wants, or the $100 she wants to get her hair done, or because she got caught in a lie and on and on (I won't bore you with the 1.4 millions reasons)

So Aunt reported last night that SD18 had been texting her all day...since 8 a.m. Aunt J was ignoring her texts. Then Aunt J started getting calls from SD friend's mom in my state (who does not even know Aunt J), another call from SD's friend's mom who lives in Aunt J state, and yet another call from ex BF mom. All falling victim to Sociopathic Disaster's oh woe is me tale of how nothing is ever her fault, and inserting themselves into this childish drama.

MIL reported that GBM called her all day and she refused to answer her calls. I guess she finally broke down and answered this morning because GBM was blowing her phone up. When MIL recounted all the SD lies, GBM responded "Oh what's the big deal, they're just little lies!"

BM1 called DH yesterday wanting to know why Aunt J and MIL are being so "ridiculous" DH told her that everyone is done with Sociopathic Disaster's lies and manipulation and that he had no clue why she was dialing his phone and to never do so again and promptly hung up.

Can only imagine what is in store for Act VII!


iluvcheese's picture

I would block BMs number, not even kidding. SD has a phone, so she can call if she wants. If I went A.J., or MIL, id be calling the cops to see what entails harassment in my state as far as phone calls & such.

I think SD is going to look for someone new to manipulate. If she can't find that (she will), she'll start to take responsibility. Maybe college will do her good!

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

So do you think she will actually go to college or do you think she'll just ditch that plan for BM and GBM?

DaizyDuke's picture

She wants to go to college.. that's why she's obsessed with winning Aunt J back because she needs her to do so. If she wasn't planning on going back to Aunt J state for college, she'd be happy to just write her off and stay with BM1 in our state.

DaizyDuke's picture

I've been doing a lot of research the last couple of days on sociopathic behavior and SD18 presents 16 of the 18 traits and also falls even more neatly, into the more dangerous category of narcissistic sociopath. Aunt J 1000% agrees. I shared some articles with her.. she said she's going to say she found them and send them to SD. It won't amount to a hill of beans though because again, this girl thinks she does nothing wrong. But oh yes, I just told Aunt J this morning that she will certainly be able to charm some new unsuspecting room mate, dorm mate, guy into doing her bidding.

hereiam's picture

If I was Aunt J, I would be so pissed about all of these mothers calling me, they certainly aren't helping the cause. If they are so effing concerned, they can take care of SD.

DaizyDuke's picture

That's what I told her. Tell them if they think SD is so wonderful then THEY can take her in, then THEY can see who she REALLY is. Then I would block every one of their damn numbers.

DaizyDuke's picture

Nope, not even worried about that one bit. Wink Because guess what? She's NEVER EVER been able to con me. I scare her because she knows I know what she really is all about. That's why she tried her hardest to end DH and I marriage. Scamper along little sociopath.. not gonna work. Dirol

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Car sales, magazine sales, telemarketer... SD needs a job that fits her 'talent'.