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Satan Child

Compassion's picture

I went to trial yesterday for my partner's divorce. I was called up as a witness. It was absolutely brutal. Her ex-husband is a total nutcase. Really. He is a sociopath. He lies, is mean to everyone, hurts animals, etc. He threw a fit in court and was escorted out by 3 deputies. He insulted the judge, started shouting "do you know who I am?!" No one cares about his dumb job. He's a shitty father with a ton of proof that says so. He didn't bother to get a lawyer because he thinks he's smarter than everyone else. He insulted my partner's lawyer by asking him if he's gay and told him to buy new shoes. IN COURT.

My dad came up to visit for a few days in case the husband tried to insult me again. See, he's been particularly mean to me on a couple occasions. I guess my dad must have intimidated him because all he did was walk past me a few times. I guess he only insults and hurts people who are smaller than him. The coward.

Ridiculousness aside, the main point of this entry to talk about the discussion I had with my dad. He's never really talked to me about my relationship and living with my partner and her daughter. I mean, I've vented to my parents about my living situation and about how ridiculous the kid can be sometimes, but after visiting with us for a few days, he had some strong opinions.

He thinks that SD12 is going to grow up to be just like her father. He says that of course it's not all her fault since she was spoiled rotten, and her parents are going through a bad divorce, but that no good is going to come from her. And that I should "get out of this situation" as soon as possible.

That was pretty strong words to hear from my dad.

It was actually a relief to hear that from him. He's always been intuitive about other people, and it used to make me really mad when he wouldn't like a friend of mine. Time and time again I would never listen to him and he'd end up being right. These people would end up hurting me. And I'm thinking that maybe I should finally listen to him. I've been stressing over the past year and a half about this relationship. I love my partner so much but her child has been a nightmare. And her kid and I, our relationship has been pretty great up until the past 3 months- when I say nightmare, I mean that it's been difficult watching her treat her mother (my partner) like crap. I've realized that the only reason SD12 loved me so much is that I catered to her. The second I started saying "No", she started treating me just like her mom. She says whatever she wants to the both of us without any regards to our feelings. She just doesn't care. And she can say the cruelest things. She also lies about her homework, lies about boys, and the TWO times I let her play with my pet rat, the rat came back injured. The first time Coco had scratches on her back, and just seemed scared and jumpy. The other day she took my rat into the living room while I was taking a nap, and woke me up to let me know that my rat had blood coming out of her mouth. blood. SD12 is never allowed to touch my pets without supervision again.

I think I've been trying to fool myself this past year and a half. I naively thought that taking her to cool thrift stores and having her help out homeless people would somehow magically make the kid less superficial and self absorbed. I thought that showing her a few "life changing" movies would somehow make her a better person. God I'm dumb.

So what do I do? Since my last post I started taking more initiative in holding the kid to her chores, and speaking up when she says disrespectful things to me or her mother. And fortunately, my partner's been sticking up for herself as well. I've been really proud of her. She's finally picked up on the fact that her kid lies a lot. And she finally notices that SD12 cries and fakes illness to get out of doing homework and chores. But SD12 knows I'm the culprit for this madness. I can see this kid taking a bat to my car in a few years. What's she going to do when she's bigger than us?

Part of me wishes that she would go live with her dad because they obviously belong together. But I know that my partner would miss her like crazy, and probably wouldn't be the same person without her. She's still her daughter. She just lives in denial about her daughter's true nature. Maybe someday she'll "cut her off", but maybe she won't. You know, Moms and daughters are a package deal and I just don't know if I'll be able to hack it.

My dad mentioned that since I've been with her, I've gained 40lbs, I've grown a tumor in my colon, I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder, my IBS has become so unmanageable that I had to register for disabled student services and am unable to attend classes this semester. I no longer participate in any clubs (I volunteered with kids and was the treasurer of a Sociology club), I stopped hanging out with my other friends, and basically started living for my partner and her daughter.

He pointed all of this out and it's not that I didn't know my life had turned to shit..I guess I had just felt so awful for so long that I forgot when it all started.

So what do I do now?

We have so much fun when her kid isn't around. I'm pretty sure everyone on this site can say the same thing. And you guys stay with your husbands and wives. Is my situation different?

I come from a blended family. My mom is a step mother to my brother. I knew going into this relationship that times would be tough. But I've made myself physically sick. And this kid has real problems.

We've had a lot of great, fun moments. And I really felt like we were a little family. But since shit hit the fan in July (when SD12 couldn't visit her dad in Pennsylvania because he only bought a 1 way ticket and threatened to keep her) all of our problems escalated out of control.


Jsmom's picture

You are losing yourself in all of this. As much as you love someone, you have to love yourself more. It may be time to walk away and do what is in your best interest. Your father sounds like a smart man, you should listen to him. This situation is never going to get better and unfortunately your health will probably get worse. You sound way too young to have this kind of heartache over a child.

herewegoagain's picture

I worry about anyone going to their partner's divorce...why? Because they "moved on" before they were done with their business. Not that ex might not be a real whack job, but heck, my ex was and I waited until my divorce was final and then at least 3 years before actually dating someone. I agree with the advice you were given.

PS - if you ever married and then divorced your partner, you also would not like it if he/she was there with her new boyfriend/girlfriend...that in itself is disrespectful to the kids, new partner AND ex.

DaizyDuke's picture

As you have found first hand, stress can and will damage your body and sometimes that damage can be irreversible. Your heart is in the right place, but your body and mind are screaming for you to listen to THEM. I suspect that you are the kind of man that my DH is, you want to swoop in and be the saviour, the hero and there are some things that just can't be fixed. Genetics is genetics and it sounds like your SD is ALOT like her father and there is nothing short of a miracle that is going to change that.

For your own sanity, health and safety, I think you need to cut yourself free from this nightmare that you have gotten involved in. It sounds like you are young and have alot of life in front of you. Listen to your dad, listen to your body!

ctnmom's picture

I think you ought to listen to your Dad. The daughter is a future sociopath, and take it from a mom, her mom will never abandon her, and probably doesn't see her at all for what she is. Could you move out and date your lady? Good luck and God bless.

smileygirl's picture

I agree with all of the above. Yes, a lot of us stay but we all have our reasons. Honestly, if SS had moved in with DH and I prior to our marriage and child I probably would have asked them both to leave. There is a reason that 70% of marriages with Step kids involved end in divorce. It seems to me that if you health is this bad and your considering leaving should. She's not even out of her marriage yet, it doesn't really sound very promising anyway.

iwishyouwould's picture

So, to me this sounds like the ex husband is abusive, volatile and violent. And since your sd lived with him, I am thinking that she has most likely been abused, and that to me would explain why this girl is now acting like a budding sociopath. And she lies about boys at 12? Given the circumstances maybe it would be good for a therapist to find out if she has ever been sexually abused. I can't tell you what to do about your relationship, but that girl needs some intense therapy. Your partner is also very likely a victim of domestic violence. I hope everything works out for this woman and her daughter, what a scary time for them.

loulou87's picture

OMG....I could have written this. I know exactly how you are feeling and what you are up against. I am in the same situation. My mom has talked to me, my friends etc. My relationship is toxic and I know in my heart that I love my SO but I also know that I need out.

Someone commented and I have had several friends suggest that we live seperate but continue to date. I actually really like that idea and have been thinking about that allot. I have my own two girls to worry about.

My SD14 peed on my toothbrush, teats me like crap, steals from me and my kids, destroys personal property and got suspended for drugs at school. BM indulges her and took her shopping during her suspension. We tried to enforce the punishment that the school counselor wanted but SD14 just stopped coming over. Things have been really peaceful.

However, last night my SO just got served with papers from his ex and she is trying to make it so that he no longer has parenting time with SD14 and trying to take away some of the time with SD12.

Being in a blended family is the most difficult roller coaster ride I have ever been on. I want to get off but like you I don't know how and I do love my SO and we have great times when his kids are not around.

Good Luck to you. I know this will be difficult. I have avoided it for a year. Listen to your Dad he knows what he is talking about. I should have listened a year ago to my mom and now I am more trapped then ever.

Compassion's picture

I just want to thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. I can't believe what your step daughter is putting you through! I can't imagine what would bring a kid to pee on someone's toothbrush..I hope everything works out for you and your family. And I am seriously considering moving out. At the very least, I am going away for 3 weeks during December to get health stuff taken care of in the city. I think that will give me time to think.