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Some things better left unsaid

Chmmy's picture

I need to say this here so I dont say it at home. BM raises her pets like she raises her children...feral.

She has this crazy dog, German Shepard, one of my favorite breeds. Ive said before when she loses her house and goes back to an apartment I WILL NOT TAKE HER DOG. I took her feral children and turned then into something halfway acceptable. Nope to the dog.

SS12 came home with a bruise on his side. When asked what happened he says dog bit him. Not the first bite by the feral thing but this was the worst ive aeen. He is getting bigger. If it was my kid I'd be pissed but my favorite mindset is not my kid, not my problem. 

Thanks for the vent. I really dont want to call the skids feral to my husband.


advice.only2's picture

Is SS shows anybody st school they might report it to animal control.  Sad that a dumb dog has to get punished for a shitty owner.

tog redux's picture

She'll have the dog put down because it's aggressive.  BM here did that - ruined a dog, then took it to the shelter, where they euthanized it.  Makes me sick.

Monkeysee's picture

I can't handle abuse of animals, it's on par with abuse of children for me.  I feel sorry for the dog because its life will be ruined by that horrible woman.  People who can't handle animals should be banned from having them. 

Chmmy's picture

She has been in 4 homes since i met DH in 2016. She had a rented townhome with the skids til she lost it. Skids moved in with DH and her & her bf now husband rented a house, lost it rented an apartment, lost it. Now they bought a house with the insurance money from BMs husbands son in the Navy, he committed suicide. Its awful but BM & hubby were living the high life FOR ONE YEAR. Now they cant afford food. Asks us to feed the kids before they go to a movie because they have no money to buy food. Movie food is expensive but last year she had tons of cash to waste.

Anyway they bought a house and expensive dog. They will lose the house. Then what to do with the dog. Sad but she treated her kids this way, why not the dog?