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Picture issue...

bishop76's picture

I have been part of a step family for approx. 3 years. DH has 3 girls ages 21, 19 and 16. I have S15 and D5. I was friended by DH sister's girls ages 17 and 13 on FB. No problem, right? WRONG. As I looked at the profile pictures I came across last christmas' pictures of the children. There were several pictures of the girls, mine including, taken but DH sisters' 17 year old that had drawn faces over D5s face. I was a bit hurt afterall she is only 5. I did discuss this with DH and his sister as well. Neither of them see it as a big deal because "oh that's how kids are" BS!! I was wondering if anyone thinks I am over-reacting.

I have a way to bring it to dear 17 year old attention. Instead of a christmas present this year I was going to print the photo and place it in her christmas card with no note or explaination. Is this wrong of me? or should I just forget it?

My S15 is defensive over his sister and refuses to talk to that "snotty brat" that drew faces on my daughter's picture and posted it online for EVERYONE to see. HELP.


MamaBecky's picture

I would be angry, but I hope I would be able to let it go. You certainly dont want to stoop to a teenagers level and retaliate. Cut ties with this snotty niece if you must but dont make a big issue or cause drama. You just ignoring her will be message enough.

stormabruin's picture

In my opinion, at 17, "kids will be kids" doesn't apply. She is less than a year from being a legal adult.

What issue does this 17-year old have with a 5-year old child???

I wouldn't say anything to her about it, but if the other parents see nothing wrong with it, they shouldn't have a problem with you including a copy of what she did in her card. She's old enough to accept the embarrassment she'll feel when it's brought to her attention that you've seen it.

Seriously, if you were to do that to a picture of her & post it online, I think it's safe to say that it would be an issue. Why does the same not apply to her?

hismineandours's picture

I think it is really, really immature and I think it is a bit strange for a 17 year old to do that to a 5 year old's pic.

I would as someone else suggestsd simply defriend but send her a message and ltet her know why. If she any decency she will be embarrassed and will apologize.

Jsmom's picture

That is wierd. Who does that? I would defriend them and when asked why told them exactly why. The mom doesn't want to parent her child, shame on her. I would question any dealings with her as well.

As for Christmas gifts, I would do what you want, since no one wants to talk about it, why not? I would hope that the picture has been removed off of Facebook. I would be insisting on that. It is slightly demonic...

Willow2010's picture

I think I would send her a message on facebook and ask why the picture is like that? If she said it was just a joke, defriend her and move on and ignore her. Maybe there is a better explanation. (probably not, but I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt).
Do NOT give her the picture as a Christmas present. As satisfying as it would be to you, it will probably cause more trouble for you than you want. And it is petty and will make you look worse in front of people. JMHO.

karenemoy's picture

Being 17 is no excuse - I agree do not sink to her level. I would send her note letting her know how you feel.