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Article on family reunification camps after PAS

BethAnne's picture

This camp seems like a scam with fees that are $25k + and I am not really sure what can be achieved in 3 days of camp and 90 days of no contact with the pas'ing parent. I had not heard of these programs before, I thought the article might be interesting to some on here.

The journalist seems to dismiss the idea that pas can exist at all even if the case she focuses on could be a case of an abusive/bad father rejected by his kids rather than the mother pas'ing them there is a lack of concession that pas can and does occur, apparently it is all just abusive parents being rejected by thier kids.


Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

This kind of thing scares me because I see how easily it can be used by a "bad" parent. I understand very clearly that kids can be brainwashed against a parent and it's not right but I feel like this just screws them up even more. I had to stop reading.

uofarkchick's picture

These camps are scams. Basically, what you're paying for is a custody change. What happens is the NCP tells the court that they are taking their children to this camp. The judge grants a change in custody so that the kids can attend. The kids are forced to go if they won't go willingly and the CP is not allowed to talk to them on the phone or see them for however long this camp goes on. What the NCP is really paying for is that change of custody. I read about three children's experiences at one of these camps. Their mother didn't see them again for three years.