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If its not one its the other...

Bec's picture

Now the upset with SD16 has subsided (see I'm screwing up her life post) within minutes there is fresh drama with SD18. She got caught by a cop doing 55km/h in a 40km/h zone... looks like she might lose her license and have a $400 dollar fine...
She is really upset on the phone to her dad in tears. I feel sorry for her its a hard lesson to learn. At least she didn't crash or run someone over.

Watch this space for future rants on Dad footing the bill / her deferring on the car loan / anguish at 2am phonecalls to Dad to pick her up from nightclubs + the rest of it.


Harleygal's picture

she got three tickets within a few months. She ended up having to go before a small town judge while I watched. Let me just say he was not very nice to her. I had already tried talking to her about it, but I guess it took a very tall judge with a cane and patch on one eye to get the point across. He let her go without paying, but told her if he saw her back in court she was going to get it. I was very glad he ate her ass out that day. She needed it. Your SO needs to back down on this 18 year old. Let her go to court herself and deal with it.

Einstein's definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Sarah101's picture

OMG! More chaos! I'm so sorry.

I suppose your DH has a chance to let SD18 learn a lesson NOW, or just keep her dependent & stupid for a few more years.

That's what parents want, right? Dependent & stupid kids. Paying for tickets, insurance, mistakes, car loans, and giving rides to and from clubs are the actions of a father that wants a dependent & stupid kid.

Why the hell are some parents afraid to let their adult darlings feel a little PAIN? A little STRESS?

My DH did the dependent & stupid routine with his useless daughters, and he admits now that he did them no favors and should have let them experience the consequences of their own actions much earlier.

DH's daughters are no longer dependent (well...), but they definitely continue to be STUPID.