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BM always with a sassy Attitude!

baybee9404's picture

My email account got hacked and everyone in my address book was sent some email with a virus link to it.. BM responses to the email in all capital letters DO NOT EMAIL ME WHAT SO EVER! BF thinks BM is funny when in all reality she is starting to get under my skin again... I want to write to witch back and curse her out but then again, im the mature adult here... What should I do...


mama_althea's picture

heh heh...yeah, hopefully that means she opened it.

I probably wouldn't be able to restrain myself from emailing her back, something along the lines of "don't flatter yourself"

oneoffour's picture

"I am sorry you feel so strongly. If I was going to give you a virus it would be a little more disfiguring and debilitating. But if a software virus is all it takes, que sera sera!"

ThatGirl's picture

Just ignore her. Hopefully she was dumb enough to click the link Smile

Now that you're aware of your virus, did you run a scan and change you email password? I've been seeing this one a ton, but always from people with AOL mail. I wonder if it's specific to those users?

DaizyDuke's picture

Do this... email her back and say something along the lines of "don't worry, it wasn't intentional" and then promptly block HER email address so when she emails you back (which she will because she'll have to have the last word) She'll be even more pissed that she can't. This way YOU get the last word.

BSgoinon's picture

I am sure BM in my case is gulty of spreading a virus or two of a different kind :sick:

I think I would take the "don't flatter yourself" approach.