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Something Positive for a change's picture

Ok something positive #1: I have 41 days until the Skids go with their BM for their 42 days of being with good ol’ mommy dearest! : ) so happy!! Ok I know I shouldn't be to happy because their mother is a POS, but I really am looking forward to some alone time with my husband! But I can't seem to help myself.

#2 positive thing SS11 hugged me this morning and said “you know something I’ll sure miss this summer when I’m gone? It’s how you (meaning me) keep the house smelling so good, and everything is neat!” He said his mom’s house sort of smelled like cat litter, and she had a lot of stuff everywhere! HA! I melted! It’s true I enjoy an extra clean smelly good house, but this comment from this child really made my day!! And of course knowing his mother doesn’t keep house that well didn’t hurt either. : )

Comments's picture

Ahh Thanks! That's a fantastic idea with their rooms! I'll start thinking of something!