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Survival of the holidays

astepmom's picture

I am so relieved that the holidays are complete.

The Skids were as good as they are capable of being. The BM did not send a single stitch of clothing with them, so DH was dealing with the one spare pair of underwear that we had, for their four day visit. But other than that little show of non-motherlyness, she really wasn't able to infiltrate our fun at all. I love it when that happens.

And now, the stupid clothing allowance that had once been ordered is gone by the recent court order! So we can go out and actually buy the poor children a couple of things so that she is not able to do this again! What will she think of to be a pain in the butt about next?


Lyn's picture

You can look at my daughter when she comes home that she hasn't eaten or slept properly. It's either that or I make sure she has a few dollars with her. ( I guess that is supposed to be out of the child support.) It seems that Dad and the Girl Friend and her son do not have the traditional sit down at the table and have dinner. That's such a constraining idealogy you know. One should eat when the muses strike. Of course you do realize that the muse also doesn't like to go to the grocery store, keep a clean house, or cook..... Oh by the way, the new issue is that my daughter is taking too many showers when she is over. Afterall, once a day is not good for you. You are supposed to take a shower or bath maybe once a week..... And so the muses say. Yes my daughter drops all clothing at the door, goes upstairs to take a bath while I put dinner on the table..... Life in Paradise.

astepmom's picture

Poor kids! I guess it's a good thing children are so resilient. We also deal with lack of proper meals, lack of medical care, lack of hygeine, etc. when they are not with us.

The latest was that the skids HAD to have large value meals from McDonalds every single night becuase their BM was INTENT on collecting the free glasses that McDonalds was giving away, in every single color. They said, "You don't like us to eat McDonalds that much do you?" I said, "No. I don't. I love McDonalds, but it's not the best for your body." They said, "Hopefully our bodies can take it b/c we're going to be eating there a LOT more until we get all those glasses!" God. Gross.

Stuff like that makes my DH hide his face and say, "I'm sorry. I have no idea WHAT I was thinking."