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I'm not his biggest fan but Military School??

hardatwork's picture

So its been maybe a month since SS pissed me off to the point that i decided i was no longer doing nice things for him, especially since DH and BM don't do anything to correct his behavior. well, DH tells me that he just had a talk with BM and she told him that she is sick of SS and does not want to be around him or spend time with him, take him out because he embarrases her with his disrespectfulness,etc. etc.... which is exactly the way i feel.

Reminder - Dani - . Dani was a former member who committed suicide.. from her DH

Stick's picture

THIS IS IMPORTANT! Please read!! It's heartbreaking, and a good reminder for us all.

Title amended as per Skidsmimi very astute observation.

Sick skids?

purpledaisies's picture

I have a question, How do you ladies and gents do when your skids are sick? What I mean is that if it is your time or your dh's time with the kids and they are sick, do you or your dh's let the bm take care if them or do you or your dh's get them and take care of them yourselves? I ask b/c dh lets bm take care of the boys when they are sick his logic is that we don;t need to get sick and if they aren't here then it can;t be spread. I understand where he is coming from so I let him do what he wants. however there is a part of me that thinks he should have to take care of them too.

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen

LaMareOssa's picture

Hello fellow Step Parents! This is my first blog entry. I have been following the posts on this site for almost a year now. Finally decided to create an account!! WooHoo!

Just wanted to introduce myself. I am a step mother and a bio mother. I have a DS and DD. I have a SD that we see every other weekend.

I have gathered so much wonderful and helpful advice from everyone here and I hope that now, since I have finally created an account, I can also give some useful advice for other parents out there.

just needing to vent...

txcajunmom's picture

So as you may know from my older posts, dh has had temporary custody of ss9 and "ss"6 (not his bio) for the past 2 months. "ss"6 has add/adhd and some real mental issues. he is a handful. i have my hands full as it is with our dd3 (wild child) and ds7months, i work full time and the only one to cook or clean in the house. i am just about to loose my mind. bm should be getting out of rehab sometime this week and cps placed her daughter who is 2 in her custody at the rehab so i think she was told that she would be able to get the boys back when she is released.

I'm trying to udnerstand this?

purpledaisies's picture

I don't understand why in the world that kids get away with the crap they get away with.

In one blog I noticed that the SD got to choose what radio station they were listening too when it is the SM car! I mean she is a CHILD! I understand every once in while as treat but every time!?

that is just an example. I think we are giving our kids and especially our skids WAY too much chooses and power in our lives. When they get to be adults they can do what they choose but while they are living with me that is not going to happen!

How Should This Situation Be Handled? Please Help!

AnonymousMe's picture

I have a 13 y/o SD that my husband just got full custody of last year. She has become extremely jealous of me, whether its the clothes I wear and buy, the new Ipod I get and most importantly, the time I spend with her father. No matter how much time he spends with her, she HATES any time him and I spend together. As a matter of fact, she tries to not let us spend time alone.

when should enough be enough

becky lynn's picture

almost 2 yrs in this relationship with a great guy and friend we have alot in common. i have not met his children YET ! because he says his ex is physco and will cause trouble and physical harm to me. she is abusive verbaly and physicialy to him but not the children. His parents also say this to me they told me they are afraid of her and wish to get a restraining order against her. I believe my boyfriend is afraid of her also he allows her to go out of control without putting his foot down and saying this is unacceptable behavior.
