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This site helps me...from a BM point of view

wriggsy's picture the story is that I have never really had an issue with my DD14 spending time with her dad or liking her SM....matter of fact, I encourage DD in those relationships. DD's biodad is a Marine...has been her whole life. So, she has lived away from him pretty much her whole life. She has gone to visit him (and now his wife, her step sibs and as of recent..her half brother) only a handful of times in the years past...whenever my exMIL would go for a visit..she would take DD.

DW had a good one yesterday

paul_in_utah's picture

For those of you who haven't read my blogs, I am a step-dad with a SD17 living with me and DW. I recently made the decision to disengage, and things have improved a good bit in the household. One thing that I used to do, prior to disengagement, was pick up my SD17's room, since she never picks it up, and because it pissed her off when I cleaned it, since I was "messing" with "her stuff." However, on the advice of fellow boardmembers, I stopped picking up SD17's room.

Ha ha fdh small children can learn.

The big G's picture

Smile just got bd3 pre school report we both went in and it was really sweet, my first parents meeting how proud am i. Bless she is very advanced in maths and writing for her age. She is very artistic and enthusiastic. Though a little shy at first she plays well with her peers. But. . . . The best . . . SHE IS VERY POLITE, always says please and thank you at school which a lot of her friends don't (which I don't get).

Ready to lose it! I need thoughts & opinions from someone in a sane frame of mind.

stormabruin's picture

So, I have posted on here before about how I have a fake FB page set up that I have friended BM on. I know there are people here totally opposed to FB. Others are opposed to "friending" BM. Like I said, as far as she knows I cannot see her page, so really, we are not friended. My reason for having this page is that DH & I went so long having no form of contact & no idea what the kids were involved in or what kinds of things they were facing in life. FB was the only way we had to know what was happening with them.

mil worse then bm

briarmommy's picture

Does anyone else hate there mil worse then your husbands ex? A little backstory, my husband married his ex young and only because she got pregnant. Since they had no money and his ex was in school they moved in with his mother. He worked all the time and his ex not the maternal sort anyway went to school full time and studied the rest so in the evenings when his mother got home she would watch my ss. Thats great but fast forward two years they get divorced and his ex moves out with the kid and he gets an apartment with his friend.

Lawyers,mediation,and judges OH MY

Asher10's picture

I'm pushing DAH to go with me on the choice for mediation rather than an ugly court divorce.I just gave attorney an itemized list of the contents in the house.doing that list was so much fun.Insert sarcasm there.Now the goal is to separate these things in a series of mediation meetings with a neutral mediator,DAH,and me.Our lawyers can be present as well to advise us on things that may potentially screw us.I can tell already this will be a slow process.DAH doesn't want to get the ball rolling as quickly as I do of course.He is dragging his feet on finding an attorney and will likely shit hi


mommy_of_4's picture

But is there ANYBODY who can tell me how a 16 yr old is mature when.. they can't even take responsibility for their actions? they CHOOSE not to use protection to trap their bf because cause their relationship sucks? they contract an std because they r too dumb to use a condom with a guy known for sleeping with everyone in town? they always whine and cry on facebook about how awful they feel? And constantly whining and crying because their bf isn't the moldable ass kissing guy she thought he was? Always seeking everybody's pitty? And how on Gods green earth is LYING mature?
