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SD 11 is disrespectful and DH enables it

poprocks35's picture

I have my SS8 and SD11 over every Wenesday evening and every other weekend. The SD and I were always "OK" with each other, I never was that crazy about her, but I love her none-the-less. We have had some good times together, but I know she is a total Daddys girl and now it is really pissing me off.

I have already accepted the whole "broken family" "Issues with BM" "Coming into puberty" blah blah blah BS...

I have 2 rules in the house:

1. Bedtime on friday is 10:00pm and Bedtime on Saturday is 10:30p,
2. Everyone sleeps in thier own beds.

I work ALOT on the weekends and I value my sleep. DH and I do not share the same bed anymore due to his snorning. His bedroom is right next to mine. Like CLOCKWORK every Friday when they are over SD INSISTS in sleeping where ever her Dad is sleeping. DH placates me and makes them goto bed, but in the middle of the night SD sneeks out and always ends up in his room watching movies til 3am. DH says this is how they "bond" but it makes me feel every uncomfortable, because I value my provacy when I am sleeping and he thinks it is bull shit.

Last weekend SD told DH while I was out with SS, that I was "mean" and I "destroy all her fun". I work so much on the weekends, she normally has DH all to herself, and when I get home I would like to relax and feel a part of the family, but lately that has been impossible with her. She routinely crosses the line with me and I have just about had enough. DH says I rag on her all the time, but I honestly cannot find the good in this kid right now. DH and I had a big fight in front of her way back, and DH basically said I was "Stupid" for some way I felt about the kids behavior and I think she has become empowered from that.

I by all means do not want to drive a wedge between SD and DH. And I have gone the "ignor and not say anything route" and it hurts a lot. especially when I am being quite and DH makes fun of me in front of the kids.

Now, I find out that the kids text him constantly from thier Ipods which were always supposed to stay at our home. But I know he lets them take them home now so they can contact him. It kind of makes me sick that he is so desperate for thier attention. So, desperate that he never really told me the ipods were going home with the kids and I figured this all out on my own.

DH and I have been though SOOOO much sice we got together and I really need to make sure we are solid and stable before I can start engrossing myself in his kids again. But he doesn't seem to think it is any big deal that I feel shaky right now.

I want the fighting to stop but I feel like shit just keeping my mouth shut. And when I do open it, I never win anyways... I am beginning to think what is the point.

Help.... Anyone???

poprocks35's picture

wow. i never thought of it that way. Thank you, much appreciated. I am so happy I found this site.

new_mom_in_more_ways_then1's picture

I agree about daughters should NOT be sleeping with their fathers, especially at age 11. What if she tells someone at school (not thinking anything of it because its her father and its not inappropriate as she you or I would see it, its her father) but she says to someone at school I sleep in the same bed with my dad, okay a teacher or someone hears this and then boom they automatically think this is inappropriate for a girl her age and actually i think most state law says this is not okay that a child of the opposite sex cannot sleep with a parent of opposite sex after the age of 5 (at least in my state) so therefore then you have people asking questions and taking this way past where it should be. So nip it in the bud and say this is inappropriate, i understand you love your father and want to be close to him but older men who are fathers do not sleep with their young daughters, that is why you have your own room and your own bed. Trust me my SD is 3 and she is still taking my spot in our bed and I am trying very hard to get her to be a big girl and sleep in her own room.. best of luck to you as i know it is not easy.