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Ok, fine. I feel compelled to write some of the weird/bad/funny stuff about our bm.

stepfamilyfriend's picture

Just so you don't think we really live in Rainbowland.
1. A year after DH and I got together, I went back to Europe to visit family and took my DD and SD. Bm asked if she could come with us and stay with my parents while we travelled. :? Umm, no, I don't think so...
2. Right around the time that SD was about to get her first period BM called me and asked me if I minded that she be the one to explain and "show" SD how to insert a tampon. :? Ahem, no, that'll be just fine, you go ahead...
3. SD always called her mom when sick at school, real or faking. DH wasn't going to let her skip school that easily. SD milked that one and spent many a days at her BM's getting pampered.
4. Bm would leave these twenty minute long messages on house phone speaking sooooo sloooowly......and repeating herself over and over..
5. When DH's sister that lives abroad stopped by to visit and meet me for the first time, BM showed up at the exact time she came and the two of them visited at our house for half an hour, before I even got to say two words to her. Akward!
6. BM has not worked for years and is on disability, which sometimes bugs me because some of her ailments could have been avoided by taking better care of herself, but at the same time she does have a lot of pain now.
7. Bm was married with my DH's cousin and had a son with him, before she got together with DH. So the first kid is both cousin of sorts and half brother to my skids......And, she kept the same last name as my DH, from the marriage with his cousin.
8. BM thinks her daughter is stunningly pretty and kept telling her that her feet were that of a model, which they are far from !!!, and SD would brag about her feet all the time.

I am sure I'll think of more.


CalgonTakeMeAway's picture

I'm sorry, SFF, but you're not helping yourself here! LOL If those are the worst things you can come up with, you're in good shape! Be THANKFUL!! She doesn't sound too bad at all. Want to trade???

stepfamilyfriend's picture

I know.... I have said that we've been lucky and I realize it now more than ever. I just wanted to show that it has not been PERFECT.
Nah, I dont think I want to trade..

CalgonTakeMeAway's picture

I know it hasn't been perfect. Don't feel bad because you have it better than some. You've had your fair share of trials too. I also have it a lot better than some. We still get frustrated! One last chance on that trade!! She won't hate you, she'll just hate your hubby! Blum 3

CalgonTakeMeAway's picture

Honestly, you're a nice person. I wouldn't subject you to her! LOL

Most Evil's picture

I got a kick out of these!! although I am sorry you have to endure it - I guess things are rough all over-!!! Smile

giveitago's picture

I'll trade you!
For the tampon one you can have the BM stamping her feet on your property, because she did not get her own way, so you have to call the cops and have her removed....LOL

For the vacation one you can have her inviting herself to your house for the weekend with SD! Errrrr I said NO WAY! DH applauded me when he heard I stood firm.

I am sure I can think of a few more too...LOL

CalgonTakeMeAway's picture

Or asking if SD and her DH would like to accompany her and her BF to a swinger resort.

:jawdrop: :sick:

I think sometimes we have to thank these BMs for showing what true pieces of work they really are. They do a much better job at illustrating this than we could!