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Quick Update About DH....

Sweetnothings's picture

Well, as you know, I posted on here after yet another BLOWUP with DH a few weeks ago. The same old dance around we do about the SD21......
Anyway, we decided to share a new email account so DH wouldn't have to feel bad hiding all the emails, etc from SD21. I know this sounds weird but we have a LONG history with her, which I have talked about a bit on here, to sum it up I thought DH and I were on the same page 2 years ago with letting her go and get on with her life etc, etc. Well, DH lasted a couple of months then came the money pleas and DH was throwing money at her again, emailing and sneaky calls from work, etc.
So WE sent an email three weeks ago to let her know thiswas the only email account to use from now on....and since then not a PEEP from her.....
DH late last night sent another brief one to her, asking if she is ready to come visit, we are flying her over for a week , how he misses her blah, blah, blah.....
I was like it's been 3 weeks !!!! I didn't have the heart to start another row by saying....
It is the Summer vacation, plus she got all her student loans recently, and no school and lots of money, means she doesn't need Daddy at the moment. She doesn't want to hear him ask, hey have you found a job, hey are you saving any of that money for school in September, etc,etc. He thinks she is just BUSY !!! WTF !!! Doing WHAT ??? She is only at school for six months of the year....four months off in Summer, a month off at Christmas and the same at Easter !!!! No job ever, more than 5 hours per week for more than maybe six weeks...... My DH is a lovely man but he is sooo stupid concerning the SD21....... I just wanted to scream at him she doesn't CARE, she only USES you and YOU let her AND you NEED that from her to stop your guilt trips !!! I have lost all the respect I felt for him concerning this situation...and that is awful to say........

Auteur's picture

I think most of us here can relate. It took GG (biodad I live with) over six years to realize he was on the fast track to being used like a cheap fiddle.

And then when he's angry with me, he pines after becoming guilty daddy again.

It never ends!