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Are you freaking kidding me??

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

Dropped the skids off to BM Sunday (girls 3 and 17 mo) and DH gets a lovely series of text messages from BM while at work today... And I quote:

" I've decided its best that I not even bother attempting what should resolve as a mature adult Im just gonna say that I find it depressing to know that you truly dont care how what you or your c*nt say or do regarding myself or the girls can directly affect your relationship with our daughters through no fault of your own. I do my best to protect them from the poisonous environment that your home and your attitudes entail but Im not a miracle worker. The girls suffer because of you and their health and mental well-being are proof enough that this is true. Im sorry that you both assume Im such a terrible mother but in truth its your child I fear for not my own and I pray for her sake that (me) lays off the drugs so that she can be a good mother and that you decide to be more than just a part time father for that child. You will of course be permitted to continue visiting with the children as per your one weekend a month guideline. And your agreed upon holidays and your two weeks during future summers as decided upon through the Maryland court system. I see it as best for now that I retain your number on my blocked list so that you may not irrationally harass me in any way but rest assured I will contact you regularly so as to schedule your visitations"

Now this is coming from a BM with a minimum of 2 2nd degree assault charges, a domestic battery charge against DH (would have been many more if he had reported them but the one she got was her trying to get him on the charge and the judge laughed at her and charged her based on the evidence... also she tried on multiple occasions to run him over with her car, would have shot him if she could figure out how to load and cock his pistol, ran after him with a butchers knife and much more) multiple theft and larceny charges, a credit card theft charge that she got sentenced to 12 mo with 11 suspended and less than 6 mo later had court for probation violation... that hearing got postponed because she is close to giving birth to her 3rd child with 2nd baby daddy.

She is also the woman that has her 17 mo old on anti-anxiety medication to make her sleep at night because she doesnt want to deal with her waking up some nights more than once (she never did at our home) and treats her completely different than her 3 yo. This BM is the most two-faced person I have ever met in my entire life. She tries one month to be my best friend (dont worry I dont fall for her sh*t) and the next I am just the c*nt or whatever other name she wants to call me at the time. The sad thing is that DH doesnt know for a fact that SD3 is really biologically his. And he doesnt want to know if she isnt... but we had to get a DNA test for SD17 mo because she cheated on him the entire time they were married. And I know this for a fact b/c I have seen the proof and talked to more than one of the guys that she slept with--including DH best friend all through school.

Now DH and I have decided that we are not going to lower ourselves to her level and respond to her hatred. Although we both were seeing red for quite some time this afternoon we have both decided that if she wants to play games then so be it. We will get the kids when we can and enjoy the time we have and just keep our mouths shut for now. However, I am beyond frustrated. I dont agree with her decision to use the children to get to DH and I honestly believe that she thinks that using them in this way will cause DH to leave me. Its not happening because he knows that she is playing games and never talks to her without discussing everything with me. We have a strong and loving relationship and I keep telling myself that her acting like a child is her jealousy and insecurities rising to the surface. But you know I am def the confrontational type... I cant stand this keeping my mouth shut and not just saying to her face what I think. This is not me at all but boy the things we do for love.

I am beyond words at the moment. If anyone has any questions/comments/support whatever please let me know. I am seriously struggling with this one and keeping my mouth shut is incredibly difficult lol.

Oh yeah and btw, I dont do drugs... and how am I affecting their visitation when she is the one that has the final say in that?? Ugh I dont get how these BM's cant just act like freaking adults especially when it comes to children. Grrr...


overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

Based on past experiences and what was written in this text, I highly doubt he will be able to talk to the children at all. SD3 doesnt much like the phone anyways but now it seems as though he will not be allowed to even contact BM for updates or to see how they are doing. I know he wont abandon his children, he will see them whenever he possibly can (if its convenient for her of course). I am due to deliver my first child, his third, in just 3 weeks and I can't wait to nurture the relationship between them. The only thing I fear (slightly) is that with having one child so close and around all the time that he will just give up on the other two and quit fighting for his right to be a father to them as well. On the other hand, BM/XW if also pregnant with her bf's child and Im thinking that when his own child arrives he is going to want nothing to do with the older 2 children and we will end up with them one way or another.

And we def have all of her e-mails/facebook messages/texts saved so that we have evidence of her attitude and abusive language. We, however, live in NC where my DH is stationed for the military and it makes visitation (that we must drive both ways) difficult and very expensive and it is very difficult to get a lawyer (and afford it) and maintain a good relationship with said lawyer when they are 2 states away. When will this bs ever stop??

skylarksms's picture

I know our CO states that each parent has to have a way of contacting the other parent. Does your DH have that in his CO? How is he able to contact his children?

There is even a part where he has to inform BM what his current address, phone number and employer is.

Too bad you can't take her to court for being a totally psychotic, off her rocker bitch. You'd win for sure.

Kes's picture

I was amazed when I read the text messages sent by BM - the tone and "high moral ground" stance that she takes sounds identical to letters we have had from my DH's ex in the past. She is just completely paranoid and divorced from reality, manipulative in the extreme and the most unpleasant and untruthful person I have ever had the misfortune to come across.

I would encourage you to keep communication with this woman to an absolute minimum, do not engage with her more than you have to, encourage DH not to respond to her provocation at all. If she phones you, do not answer (I have caller display and have not spoken to BM for about 6 years), leave it to DH to have the minimum exchange with her that is necessary for arrangements regarding the children. She is a sad, deluded woman whose only pleasure in life is causing misery to others, including her poor children. Do try not to let her drag you down to her revolting level.

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

I not longer speak to BM at all, except when dropping off/picking up skids. Up until this past visit I would e-mail her regular updates on the skids and let her know how they were doing but when she started to act childish and ignorant again and had her best friend and sister harass DH with nasty messages about me I decided that she could follow her own rules for DH--she wants to know whats going on with the children, she can call him. Im staying out of it b/c I do not have the patience to deal with her these days. I do, however, have to help keep my usually incredibly calm and level headed DH from saying something back to her that would start nonsense. She knows that keeping his kids from him is hurting him and it simply disgusts me that a parent could do this. I hate to see such a wonderful man hurt because of jealousy/insecurities/ignorance.

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

A lot of what you have said are many of the same things that went through my own mind. Thank you. I admit we are a young family and pregnancy hormones also play a lot into my feelings lol, but in the end we have decided to not stoop to her level. She can say what she wants but in the end we both know that while we are not perfect, we are damn good parents and we do the best we can. We are learning as we go and only getting better as the days go by. One day the kids will ask questions and wonder why things were the way they were and the only thing we can do is to tell them the truth.

Hell, she still has court for probation violation...she may very well be going to jail. If she doesnt for this particular charge its just a matter of time before she breaks the law again. And when she does she will lose custody...and if she loses custody no judge in the country is going to put the kids back in her care. She is really just hurting herself in the end (I hope it doesnt affect the kids too much right now).

majka's picture

Haha, thats just what I thought... how LONG did it take for her to write that!

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

I agree... dont get me wrong Im still pretty irritated about the whole situation but in the end its not really me that gets hurt (as Im sure her intentions are) but her children. And she doesnt get that. It just kills me to see innocent kids hurt because of her ignorance.

Kes's picture

The only consolation is that when they are older they will come to understand the truth about their mother, and you and their father.
We used to despair that my SDs would swallow all BMs lies about my DH, however, they are now 16 and 14 and can see their mother much more for who she really is, a rather sad and bitter woman who has a very elastic relationship with the truth. They now appreciate that their dad has their best interests at heart and have a good relationship with him. They have not come through unscathed, they both have some emotional/developmental issues because of their difficult upbringing, but I hope that your SKIDS will in time come to have a clear view of the people in their lives, in a way that very small children can't, because they are too dependent on them.

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

DH and I have kept all of the correspondence between us and BM so when the time comes we can sit them down and show them what was said in her own words. I would hate to have to do this but its the only way that I can see of them knowing the real truth behind everything. It hurts me that she cant see that its not just me and DH she is affecting but the kids. I really do love these kids (even if I dont always like their behavior) and I wish the bs would just stop.

What these BMs dont seem to realize is that we dont have to take care of their kids. We dont have to help them or teach them or care for them at all and yet we do but in the end we are always the bad guy. I have sacrificed so much to become a SM and I would do it all again in a hearbeat b/c these children need someone that loves them unconditionally and will teach them right from wrong. Many of the behaviors that I dislike are a direct result of their BM lifestyle and life choices and I can already see how its affecting them although she puts it all on us. She has so many more problems with them than what we do and used to call constantly to complain about how they acted when they are with her... problems we do not have with the children. Unfortunately SD3 is already learning how to lie from BM and I hope she doesnt also teach her to become a criminal. The sad thing is that BM is very intelligent and could easily make a decent life for herself but would rather take the "easy" route and be a criminal. It just disgusts me. Now dont get me wrong, Im not perfect. I was raised in an incredibly abusive household and sometimes that comes to the surface when I am irritated and struggling but very rarely and I always apologize immediately. Im still learning to be a SM and its not an easy task by any means...

And what happens when she goes to jail (as I see as inevitable)?? How does she think that is going to affect her children?? She cant keep herself out of trouble long enough to get through 1 year of probation... how can she care for her now 3 children?? I just dont get it.

overit2's picture

What a lunatic, i'm so sorry! You know-I'm going to throw this out's not a decision you can make or go behind his back-but I'd push for the dna test on the 3yr old more...the more time goes by the crazier things get and harder it gets for these guys to go ahead and do it. And believe me, if he has doubts it will change his interaction w/the kid, and especially yours. Better bite the bullet and do it now-sure there will be hurt feelings and a lost relationship perhaps if she's not his...BUT better now then later.

I'm dealing w/later-its a nightmare.

overwhelmed_underappreciated's picture

He and I have discussed it many times and I honestly believe she is his child (based on looks and some behaviors) and he does as well but there is that small iota of doubt that he has. He doesnt treat her like anything other than his baby and I dont see that changing anytime soon. Regardless, he is the daddy that she knows and the only daddy that she will ever know and she is his first baby. If he doesnt want to do it I will not push him b/c I understand how he feels. If he ever decides to get it done I will back him up 100% but it has to be his decision, not me pushing him to do it.

overit2's picture

I see...I honestly felt the same way at first as you did. THAT said-if you see looks and behaviors that are similar it makes it a easier to just go with it. I guess my case is quite different.