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Vent about dh's step mom!

purpledaisies's picture

Yes I know but really she is driving me bonkers! Ok she is a very nervous person I can handle that. But she gets her feelings hurt by EVERY friggen thing we say or do! Example we were visiting them (us AR them Tx) and dh's dad drives a truck and he was on the road. Well we have a fiend that lives there too and we were actually staying at his house b/c I can't sleep at their house as she keeps her lights on at night and even though they have 3 bed rooms she refuses to let us sleep in one! Ok fine I handle that too which is why we don't sleep at their house. So anyway one night we went to a restaurant to eat and didn't invite her (why should we after she said she was just going to go to bed)? So she called dh's dad and cried to him. He in turn called us and griped dh out.

Ok what ever! Now she is playing farmville and wants all of us to be her neighbor um ok I told her I would accept it when I could. I do not play farmville I don't have the time. She on the other hand does NOTHING but sit on her butt and play games all damn day! So anyway I still haven't had the chance to find her request, I have tried several times butI jsut can't seem to find the darn thing. She has dh's dad call me al the damn time to ask about this stupid request! Then dh's aunt sent me a neighbor request that I didn't see till dh's step mom commented on it "good luck"! Really???

This is all the time that she will call dh's (fil) crying to him about something we did or did not do and he HAS to call us and grip us out for it! i mean come on the woman is a grown ass woman and she is acting 2!

Ok so how do I tell FIL that he needs to tell her to STFU! IT IS A DAMN GAME!


purpledaisies's picture

See fil caters to her really bad. Over the years it has gotten even worse. I am just so glad that she lives 8 hours away! I don't know how I can describe her. Ok one time she wanted to know if I wanted to go somewhere with her, I said yes I would but I had to do somehting first. I had just started and I had to get some tampons and where w3erws going was an hour or so. I came back and she had already left but she took my dd and didn't wait on me! If she didn't want me to go she should have said so! I was not happy and told fil that she should not have taken my dd without asking me. He said that she thought I didn't want to go as I left. i told him I told her I had to get something. He said well it was miscommunication. WHATEVER! she knew what she was doing she knew that whole story! Then she got her feelings hurt b/c I left! Really???

Those are the things I'm talking about. She drives me bonkers. Blocking them I'll look into that thanks. Smile

purpledaisies's picture

Yes he does, I did say he caters to her! I did and I told dd she had no business going without asking me. They all got an ear full from me that day. Not to mention I just started and had been driving for 8 hours! I told dh and he agreed that she is out of line with that one. I accepted dh's aunt as a neighbor when I saw that just to spite her. I know childish but come on that was RUDE!

purpledaisies's picture

Dh told me this morning that he is thinking of calling his dad and telling him to have his step mom back off. And that this is just a game and she doesn't need to get her feelings hurt over crap like this and that we are tiered of walking on egg shells just so we won't hurt her widdle feelings. He is just as tired of this crap as I am b/c his dad calls him all the time grip him out over something stupid like farmville!