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Bm claiming abuse.

ohxitsxapril's picture

its supposed to be dh's weekend with SD6. Traffic was bad so he texted her at 5:30 saying he would be late (pick up is at 6-meet at a halfway point, we live 100ish miles from them) she said "well my lawyer advised me not to come call your lawyer" he was like wtf, thank God his lawyer was in so he called him and his lawyer told him that she is claiming abuse. he said something like he didnt know if it was sexual or not, but he would call her lawyer on monday and find out more and let him know. Stupida** BM wasnt even gonna tell him, we would of shown up at 6 and be like wtf??? It pisses me off because its not true.

We had her not last weekend but the weekend before that and on the 14th, BM actually let SD call him (shocker) and then on the 16th (his birthday) she let SD call him again, then after about 8 mins BM gets on the phone and starts raising hell because DH doesnt give SD her ADHD medicine because he thinks she doesnt need it on the weekends (BM wouldnt give him the dr's number to talk to him or ANYTHING so he couldnt ask and it was making her act like she was drugged up) We finally got BM's paperwork from her lawyer stating her income and SD's report cards
(I guess she is very behind in kindergarten. well the medication obviously isnt helping and SD says that BM doesnt work with her at home. from the paperwork she sent it had SD's teacher's school number on it so he called and talked to her on wednesday so we bought SD flash cards and stuff to help her when she is here.)

if DH was abusing SD, why the hellllll would BM let SD call him two days last week?? She has no case and she is just being a bi***. I was crying the whole way back home when we found out. BM doesnt deserve SD full time she is just using her as a pawn against DH. Here is a FATHER who wants to be in his kid's life and she isnt letting him. Most normal BM's would be HAPPY that the father wants to be involved. This is the beginning of PAS... I just feel so bad for SD. She loves her daddy so much. she always runs to him from getting out of the car at exchange. every single time she has run to him. she doesnt hug BM or say bye or anything. I know DH has more discipline than BM but she is always a good girl when she is here. I wish a judge could just see all this stuff that BM does and rule that DH could be the CP i know it would be better for SD in the long run. Ugh i just feel so helpless because I know *I* cant do a damn thing but just sit by and watch what happens.