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Stepparent but Primary caregiver

white_6's picture

I am a bm and sm. I am the most involved parent, I don't say that because I am trying to brag (it is exhausting at times) this is just the truth. Does anyone else find themselves in the same situation? Being a sm or sd of 50/50 stepchild and being the primary caregiver? It has been this way since I came into my husband's life. I don't hate it in fact I love being a mother in every capacity to my children, but I found myself forgetting that to one of them I am the stepmother not bm. I don't treat my children different (except when it comes to discipline spanking) I am not allowed to spank the sd. That is all fine and dandy we are working around that ok. every child in my house calls me mom (i gave sd the option to call me whatever she felt comfortable doing) she started calling me mom about a year ago. now she calls me mom in front of her mom. Yes i am sure her mother hates it but its not my responsibility to worry about her feelings, Right?
I know there are lots of questions I am just looking for advice period.

AVR1962's picture

I was the primary caregiver of my 2 SSs as well as 3 bio daughters. My husband had full custody of his sons. The boys also called me mom. Bio mom was in the boys' lives but not a real presence. She and my husband divorced when the boys were 2 & 4 and rather than stay with her job and care for her sons she opted to move out of state and start a new life for herself, she basically vanished with no contact for 2 2 & 4 there's a big impact as she went from being full time mom to the boys to no contact. When the boys met her 2 1/2 years after the divorce they did not recognize her, husband had to tell the boys she was their mom.

I met husband when he had been divorced 3 years, the boys were 5 & 7. The oldest was very eager to show me around, help me out, was very chatty, eager to get to know me. Younger boy was a bit more shy. I had a huge part right from the start. I was willing to take on the care of these children and husband was more than hapy to share that responsibility, infact he told me to handle things myself.

BM had no clue we were dating til I answered the phone one day, a good year or more into dating. This and announcing to the boys that we were getting married created issues, BIG issues.

I think BM had planned to start her new life and get her boys back but husband felt he had everything handled with the boys and did not want to have them change homes, feeling they had been thru enough. This, and the fact that I was caring for the boys, did not go with BM and I don't think she ever accepted it. She was the typical very hateful, bitter BM to deal with and her influence on the boys was very negative. Husband has wished many times he could have taken her rights away from her completely.

After husband and I had a child of our own the family actually had a blending time which was positive. It was like this child brought us all together.

Once the older 4, my daughters and his sons, reached legal age they each sought out their bio parents, the parents that had abandoned them. Those connections were very impacting to the new adult children and 3 out of 4 supported the parent that abandoned them which caused my husband and I a great deal of sadness as this siding came with hateful emails and turned backs towards us.

Husband and I have been together now for over 26 years. His oldest just recently married and I was excluded.

If I had it to do over again, I know now that I should have walked. There was a lot of red flags I ignored. I became involved too willingly and I should not have. I defended the boys and supported and helped them, non of which I regret but I have had to look at my time with them both as a time of being more of a foster parent. They because angered as adults that they had been encouraged to call me mom but that is exactly what I was. We had no idea if BM would stay in the boys' lives at all, she had already had her absence and we wanted the kids to all have a mom and dad.

I wish you all the best and hope your situations turns out better than mine.

BethAnne's picture

It sounds like you have a really interesting perspective. What would you have done differently with hindsight (assuming that you didn't leave the relationship altogether)?

AVR1962's picture

Tried harder to get husband to take on the responsibility for his own children and not involved myself with anything to do with his ex-wife. We talked alot, we agreed, he just would not follow thru with what he had agreed to do and after this happened time and time again I learned to pick and choose my battles.

The other day I mentioned to husband something that my counselor had told me a while back, that my involvement caused me to be the target for the kids' hurt. His reply was that was why he didn't get involved.....these were HIS children and they needed his involvement but husband was very hands off. I think he wanted me to pick up where bio mom had left off and I don't think he wanted to be bothered with raising his own children. You cannot make anyone do what they don't want to be a part of but at the same time these kids needed a parental figure and I was that whether they liked it or not.

They will probably never see life from my stand point and will not understand what I went thru or even care. What I do know is that I was between a rock and a hard place so much of the time. I had to make some real hard decisions and I did what I did in the best interests of all involved. When bio parents want to just turn a blind eye to everything their little angels do there's problems and we certainly had problems as a result.

I was extremely naive to think I could make a family out of two broken families. I was also naive to think that I could make a difference in the boys' lives. I thought I could show them what love was and what it was to be brought up in a family with love and support. I heard all kinds of stories about bio mom and her family and I did not get the idea she really wanted to be mom as much as she wanted to own and possess her sons like they were material processions. I also did not expect the outward hate from BM like I had received.

Everyone has to be onboard with each other and work as a team for the best interest of the children. There is no room for hateful attitudes and especially no need for anyone to tear the other parent (step or bio) down to the children but that is what we dealt with. Really, I think my husband was right, BM should have had her rights taken away. She absolutely reeked havoc!

Maxwell09's picture

Hi, here's my story
I am a primary stepparent as well. My SS is 4, I've been with him since before he was one (8/9 months old). Before it was 50/50 then DH took BM to court and now it's more 80/20 except during the Summer which we revert back to 50/50. I was in my last year of college when I moved in with DH so he worked nights and took care of SS during the day. DH left for work right before dinner time so I was only responsible for dinner, bath and bed. THOSE WERE THE GOOD DAYS.

Ha, now it's Prek4, DH was advised to switch to working days at his job because the opportunity wouldn't come again and I do everything now. Some here would hate it but I don't. He's not a bad kid; he listens and respects me more than either of them. He acts like me, talks like me sometimes so we enjoy each other's company most of the time.

The part I enjoy the most (mostly because I know it won't last forever) is I get to be his "safety". He tells me how he feels when his mom or dad hurts his feelings and we talk about it. When we are coloring or drawing I encourage him to include his "other family" aka BM, her cousin and his half brother in his drawings. Maybe it just hasn't happened yet but he's never asked why BM and DH aren't together or wanted them to be together without the rest of us . He knows Dad is with Max and BioBaby and Mom has Live-In cousin and Halfbrother. It's just what he knows and for now that's good enough.

I just had my first bio this Summer, BioBaby is 5 months this week. SS loves his little brother and hasn't rebelled to his presence (BM had her second a year before me so he'd already had the culture shock) Some days he helps me with him, some days he's preoccupied with himself or his dad. He likes to tell BioBaby how to do this or that "the right way" so he can be just like him when he's bigger.. I agree that I'm in Momma Mode now though; it doesn't turn off. Most of my mommy mode is enclusive to SS and its against foreign hostiles at the park or playground LOL. SS is like me in the sense that he doesn't like to let strangers hold the baby and when I let them he keeps his eye on them or gives them the third degree. Now don't get me wrong he is very much a basic four year old as I've posted about a day ago. But I'm fairly lucky in the skid department. I only have one, been with him since the almost beginning, he spends most of his time with me and we have similar personalities so it's smooth sailing for now. I'm ready for the turn when it does happen though.

Maxwell09's picture

I would also like to say that my problems with step life and why I'm here is because of how BM acts. Also like the previous poster if I would have know then what I know now I wouldn't have chosen this life for myself. I am lazy in the sense that I like to be the most effective with the least amount of effort. Steplife is ALL about considering this and that, him and her, how and why and it's way more stressful than I thought it would be and I'm ONLY getting started here.

ims0marilyn's picture

I have 3 SKs that live with us ages 11, 10, 7 and 2 bio 6 and 5 months. SKs came to live with us a year ago. BOY O BOY was it a culture shock to got from 1 kid to 4 and now 5. BioMom is on drugs and has not seen or contacted her kids in 2 yrs. I have closest bond with the 10 yr old she really looks up to me. the oldest 11 is a little nitwit lol and the 7 yr old is grown beyond her years and competes with my 6 yr old. I really wish their mom was involved because it cause the children to have behavior issues. They feel abandoned you know. Im drained I love our kids but I NEVER wanted to be a mother of 5 I also would love another kid with SO but refuse to have 6 kids. It is a tough adjustment but we have blended pretty well. What sucks is my mom usually gets my daughter some weekends and she goes to her dads for the summer which used to be my me time, but now I have HER kids 24/7 there is NO breaks whatsoever. She's out with absolutely NO responsibilities High out of her mind reliving her teen years while I have her ENTIRE responsibility. I don't think its fair. Im only 25 I could have very well walked away when my fiance informed me he was pursuing custody of his kids, but I chose to stay and now I can't wait until the oldest two are in college lol then at least we will be down to 3 kids.

sakurachan's picture

I know this feeling quite well. My ex husband hasn't seen or spoken to our children in over 4 years now and we have my step kids two days a week and every other weekend, being bio mom and step mom can really messed with your emotions.

We never get a break, but my ex is a scary person as is his wife so I'm grateful we have my kids 24/7, I know they're safe. My husband's ex wife is extremely controlling and she's a crazy PhD therapist. So she knows how to work the attorneys, kids, church leaders, etc.