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just screwed

indeep's picture

Hi all,

I went out in our back yard on Sunday and saw that there were lemons smashed against the back of our house. Leaning up against the wall was a baseball bat; it seemed pretty clear that the boys had been hitting lemons off the tree into the house. This is something I am not pleased about although certainly not the end of the world. I asked youngest stepson (11) if he was responsible, he said no, that his brother (13) did it and he set up his phone to film himself doing it. I wanted to discuss this at dinner but Mom did not want to ruin dinner with accusations...dinner is the only time we all sit together and she didn't want to ruin that. Before bed I gathered everybody into our room and said that I was not happy about what had been done and that I expected it to be cleaned up before the boys left for their fathers on the weekend. I explained that the house was OUR biggest investment and that it showed tremendous disrespect to smash fruit against it. I also asked how they would feel if some kid went by our house and threw a piece of fruit at our house; they said they wouldn't like it. I went to be unhappy, I would have liked for the kids to own up to their action instead of " can we be done " that was the end of the discussion. I would have liked Mom to back me up a bit more. Next day I come home from work and I admit, I am still pretty unhappy about this. Mom reminds older boy that the back of the house needs to be cleaned. He gets really angry, says he didn't do it but if it is that big a deal he will clean it up. He snaps at his mother which turns into her being very angry with me. I have created a rift between her and her son and he isn't even at fault. I go outside and help him clean the fruit off the wall and make an amends to him for falsely accusing him. I explain to him that the most important thing to me is that he and I trust and respect each other. I apologize that I didn't believe him and explain that I also apologize for creating tension between him and his mother and that after we finished cleaning the wall that I would make my amends to her.

While she and I are talking she mentioned that I am withdrawn at dinner and if she is noticing it she is sure the kids are. We have been discussing going to see a therapist as this is starting to become a bigger problem.. I said I want to go see the therapist because I don't know how to say things I know are going to make her feel judged and criticized. she pressed the issue so I told her, the kids have no manners...they eat with their mouths open, talk with there mouths full, slurp their drinks and don't even know how to hold a utensil. I said that I had looked up the therapist that she wanted to use and wanted to tell her I was going to call before I actually did so, she said that she would email her and that I didn't need to call.

Half hour later, Mom picks up younger boy from practice and talks to him about the situation while they drive home. he comes clean...both he and his brother were hitting the lemons against the house and they filmed it on their cameras. They made a pact that they would stick together and deny everything. Mom's solution is that the younger boy thank me for cleaning up the house but not thank his brother. At dinner she talks to them about the dance on Friday night and how much money they are going to need. I feel like I am in the twilight zone. I had a meeting to go to and left at the end of dinner, when I returned it was bed time and Mom asked me if I had said good night to the kids. I asked her if she had discussed the fact that both boys looked us in the eye and lied to us. She got very upset and said she couldn't fight every fight and that if I thought it was such a big deal that I should talk to them.

I went to bed unhappy and woke up and left the house unhappy. I am sitting here at work now ranting about this.

I will talk to them tonight as Mom won't be home till late. I am supposed to get them pizza which is a treat...I can't understand for the life of me why they should be getting any type of reward for bad behavior. I am going to let them know that trust is everything. that now when I ask if their homework is done they will need to show me...based on their actions I can't know when they are telling the truth. I know they are just kids...I will tell them that I did the same crap when I was a kid the difference is that I was held accountable for my actions.

Mom is so terrified that the boys will have a "bad experience" that she chooses to do nothing.

We have been married for 9 months now and this is the first time I have thought to myself that this might not work


Indigo's picture

Lying is a big deal. Slam-dunk. Kids lie but, dang. Your DW is skating around the parenting thing by avoiding the difficult issues. I'm sure it's easier to avoid conflict but what does that teach? In addition, DW appears to be minimizing your frustration/irritation. Not fair. Pizza? Nope.

Indigo's picture

Unfortunately I just hauled my BS-13 to the local cop-shop because he lied to my face. I picked him up when he had gone further afield skateboarding than normal and it was getting dark. Torqued me off, but I also didn't want him skating home with rush hour traffic.

Picked him up and knew something was "off." The little shit was lying to me and had a bunch of convoluted stories ... I kept stopping the car, pulling over, putting on the flashers and asking: "Okay, do you want to try a different Truth?"

I drove him directly to our local police station. Do Not Pass Go. I had no clue what was up but I figured it was bad. Bullying his friends siblings? Bullying little kids? Rape? Drinking alcohol? Drugs? What ??? I had no clue but I knew he was freakin' lying.

Turns out, we live in Colorado where recreational pot is legal. Son had a "Come-to-Jesus-meeting" with our local narcotics officer.

Nothing to do with your situation, but sometimes our children lie and it covers some deeper issue. Parents need to stay on top of the situation. Adults lie for a reason. Kids lie for a reason. As parents, we need to understand why.

robin333's picture

I agree that lying is a big deal. Certainly, no pizza. I would have them make their own pb&j.

Ninji's picture

I guess I'm mean. No way would I have went out there and helped clean up the mess. I didn't make it. If mom feels SS was wrongly accused, she needs to make the other SS clean up the mess. There is only two culprits.

Cover1W's picture

I can see my SDs doing something like this.
In fact, they have done something like this, but NOT in our new house.

I have talked with DP about it, and he's very aware that if any of my things, or household things, or house gets damaged I will be on it. There will be immediate consequences to SDs actions (i.e. SD9 partially ripped off her new towel bar so no more towel bar. SD9 newly installed towel hook almost falling off, when if falls, no more hook, no bar, deal with it - both were installed properly and solidly).

Throwing things/hitting things against the house that I partially own is one of those situations in which DP would not have a chance to react. I would have informed him of the issue (who the hell else would have done it but for your SS's? Why ask? I would have had them Both out there cleaning up Stat, no questions, just clean it up.) and taken care of it - no anger, just be firm. Of course this is knowing how DP and I can work together and he does trust me. Sounds like your DW needs to learn how her boys operate - can you disengage and let her handle most of their needs? Can you work with her to understand what you will help with and what you won't?

Did you talk with your SS's in your bedroom? I would not use that space as appropriate for family discussion. Use the dining room (outside of meal time) or living room.

indeep's picture

thanks for the room tip..thank makes good sense...I will bear that in mind

MommyMayI's picture

Boys will be boys. While this.sounds like a huge offense, if is completely normal for boys to do silly things and then lie about them so they don't get in trouble. I totally agree that the boys should be spoken to about lying and defacing propwrty, but this doesn't sound like an end of a marriage story. These are bm's kids, so ultimately she decides the punishment. If bm is putting you in charge then don't get them pizza and explain to them the consequences for lying. She probably doesn't think it's that big of a deal because she is used to raising boys.