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being a full time stepmom

krich1990's picture

Nobody ever told me how hard this would be, but i didnt really make the choice. There was only a 25% chance the kid was my fiances right? He had a month long fling when we broke up, she got pregnant but had four potential dads. But just my luck, the kid was his. We dealt with her craziness til we had to call CPS due to drug use and neglect on her part, so we have had custody since he was 5 months old.
She was in and out for a year and a half, but has been around and clean for the past year. She only gets every other weekend, which i know REALLY irks her because my husband works 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, so hes with me all day every day. She absolutely hates me. Any ohone conversation she has with my husband consists only of her whining about her life and bitching anout me. How im to hard on her son, how her son hates me because he throws a fit coming home, how childish i an
She believes time outs for a 3 year old are too harsh, that her son whom has soeech problems and whom is in occupational therapy shouldnt be throwing fits transitioning from visits. That im childish because i stand up for her son and inform her on things that she needs to do per therapists orders.

How do people do this? Im on the verge of leaving only because of this woman. I LOVE my stepson so much, while he does drive me crazy because he comes back from his moms house acting like a psycho because she refuses to follow his special diet, we get through it and its better in a few days. I cannot deal with her crap, i block her out of my life so she starts the innapropriate phone calls again with my husband. She causes us so many arguments. I need any advice that can be given before i break. Am i doing something wrong here? Do i need to change something about my actions?

ExArmydad's picture

I'm new here and fairly new to the step parenting world but I've sort of been in your shoes. My DW's ex always got in the middle of our relationship with his unrealistic demands about their daughter. Most of the time, he was just trying to pick a fight with her. It was like they were still in some sort of relationship and I wasn't having it! So we fought over him a lot and I wasn't going to have that either. I told her that she needed to keep their conversations solely about the child's well-being and ignore everything else. Well she did and she started to see it for what it was and we stopped fighting because he gave up after he realized she wasn't playing his game anymore.

Keep the conversation to drop off time, pick up time. Nothing else to talk about unless the kid gets hurt.