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Who has to pay?

lprp's picture

Oldest SD gets SSI. She moved in With DH & I last July. From July until Dec. She didn't receive any of her SSI as her BM was the payee. Beginning of this year I became her payee.
Today received a letter stating that SD has been over paid from Sept. 2014 - Dec. 2014 and that she has to pay that back. Her mother was still SD payee so should that fall back on her?

Amber Miller's picture

I saw that case on Judge Judy too. I agree, BM was payee at the time so she should be paying it back.

lprp's picture

Just got off the phone. It is state SSI (WI) they told me that it doesn't matter who the payee is it is based on income only. For payback they take 10% back each month
Boy do I hope Federal SSI goes after who the payee was. I have a feeling that is coming in the future.

Rags's picture

Tell the SSA to call BM for the overpayment. No need to have to deal with that beyond directing them to the responsible party I think.