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DH asked me to send first payment.,,

WokeUpABug's picture

Looks like we will be covering entire first payment. BMs brother has supposedly come forward to cosigners loans for SS, bless his heart. He will need to do this ASAP, as even if we spend the remainder of the amount we promised SS, we won't even cover all of payment 2 of 4 this Fall. No doubt I'll be back on here in about a month this time with the same story. Until then we'll just be kicking the can down the road...


kathc's picture

UGH This is not going to be pretty. I'm sure you'll be on here to vent a lot about this trainwreck!

WokeUpABug's picture

Next stops on the train include:
BM and SS not having money in a month - BM puts it on a credit card
In two months or more SS is on verge of getting kicked out
Tearful fights between me and DH
Divorce threats if DH consigns loans
And more!

WalkOnBy's picture

Do you think that your DH will let SS hang out to dry to prove his point, or is he a rescuer and he will run right in and co-sign???

WokeUpABug's picture

I think it will be a huge fight. I will have to threaten divorce (and mean it). I will probably prevail but DH will just slip deeper into guilty daddy syndrome.

Yeah he's a rescuer. He won't draw a hard line with the kids or BM ever. And those he draws he steps right over, so he's lost a lot of credibility. He feels terrible that each skid doesn't have the full upper middle class life experience.

WalkOnBy's picture

Hmmm.....only threaten it if you are prepared to follow through :O

My DH hasn't saved a dime for the skids. He feels bad that while his parents paid to put him through school, he won't be able to do the same.

Well, yeah...his dad didn't have two households to support, a shit ton of child support to pay, then get custody of him and NO child support from the BM.

My husband, like yours, has trouble with boundaries.

My mantra these days is not my circus, not my monkeys. My BFF even bought me a bracelet with that saying on it.!!

WalkOnBy's picture

It's BM's brother? That makes me laugh.

Meanwhile, currently being poured into your SS's head - how thoughtful and helpful Uncle AboutToGetScrewed is and how horrible, cheap and mean DH is.

Blah blah blah blah

WokeUpABug's picture

Oh I should add - BM texted DH the other day to ask if she could take kids for vacation in a week. SHe doesn't have money for her sons college but sh can take a vacation.

I hate steplife. I would never willingly associate with these idiots.

DaizyDuke's picture

WTF??? This drives me bonkers! BM was complaining to DH a few weeks ago how she really wasn't sure if she could swing $30.00 for a fishing license for SS. Yet she and her boy toy and SS went to California in February (sure this is where she blew every last dime of her tax refund) THEN like one week after she is crying poverty to DH, she changes her profile picture on FB of her at a UFC fight?>!? WTF?

And this shit right here is why THANKFULLY, DH does not fall for the teary eyed, oh woe is me shit. He finally knows better.