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Blog entry 2- SS13 makes me want to punch and kick holes in the walls.

EOWinparadise's picture

Actually, I want to punch and kick holes in his face, but child abuse is frowned upon. Lately, my pregnancy hormones make me want to assault everyone, but my SS13 is actually deserving. This little bastard does nothing but lie. It's been going on for a while now, well I assume it's been his whole life, but I never noticed it until this year. I posted about this issue a few months ago in the teenage stepchildren forum looking for advice on how to deal with it. It seems many have this same issue with their skids, but we all are at a loss for how to deal with it.

My BD15 does an exceptional job of dealing with it. She calls him out right then and there, whether or not she has any proof that he is lying. He lies so often that the odds of her being correct are far better than her being incorrect. This is much easier for her though because she is a kid just as he is. I have a harder time being so blunt with him. Well, let me say, I have HAD a harder time being blunt with him. My pregnancy hormones have cleared that problem right up! I now just call him out. When asked about his chores being complete or why didn't he clean up his mess, or something to that affect, before he can even respond I say, "Don't even speak if it's going to be a lie." I'm so done with hearing all of the lies.

Allow me to list some of his offenses: told the entire seventh grade that he would not be returning to school after last winter break because he has cancer and would be going to school at a hospital. He was at Target with my BD and myself and accused a man of running his hand from the top of SS's head down his body. I initially flipped out and wanted a description of the man or for SS to point him out so I could get Target security/police involved. It became very obvious after some questions that he was lying. Those were the big ones that I know about in the last year. He lies about his chores, homework, his brother and sister, things that happen at school or his moms or soccer, etc... He will kick or hit his brother or sister and then say he didn't even though I watched him do it. He will say he didn't make a mess even though I saw him do it. I think those piss me off the most. Do you really want to argue with me about whether or not I just saw you walk through the house eating that piece of garlic bread, dumbass? He is also a thief.

DH punishes him for the lying and stealing. He tells him all the time that no one believes anything he says because he is so dishonest. I think SS should have been sent to counseling following the cancer incident, but nothing ever happened. Honestly, sometimes I think DH yelling at him for it just makes him lie more and then there's BM who will not even acknowledge the lying issue when DH brings it up to her. This probably because she has encouraged him to lie throughout his life when it has benefited her.

I'm definitely much more easily irritated with my skids these days, however, this lying issue is a problem whether I am pregnant or not. I can't stand this skid now.