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The frustration!!! The anger!!!

constantly_irritated's picture

SS14 was SUPPOSED to go to football today. They have their initial court date tomorrow. DH goes to watch him practice and guess what???? SS isn't there!!! DH is right now parked outside her house texting her to give SS to him and she says, "No, he doesn't want to he wants to stay another night." I am so mad!!! I think DH will FINALLY call the police on her this time because the have court TOMORROW!!!!! This sucks, I have no control. There is A LOT more going on if you want to read previous blogs, or you can commiserate with me and how frustrated I feel. I can't believe her!!!! I can't believe how she instigates problems!! She wasn't even around this whole school year and now she's making up for it big time!!


constantly_irritated's picture

I don't know yet, I'm waiting on pins and needles. My BS5 is with them and I feel bad that he's there for all of this. BS went to watch the football practice.

MamaDuck's picture

Ugh, BM did this with SD, swimming lessons and court following day as well. I can't stand how these crazy b!tches F up their KIDS lives just to get at their ex's.

constantly_irritated's picture

The cops didn't get called. He threatened and then she gave him up. But she causes hours worth of drama and frustration. I really hope this first court meeting puts an end to her antics, but probably not.

I.hate.cats's picture

Ugh, I can sympathize! Our insane BM has refused to let us take SD to therapy appointments, has forced her to miss out on summer school because "she couldn't get her there" but wouldn't let DH or me pick her up. We have to make her appointments for the days that we have her because BM is such a tool that she can't ever make it to anything on time or even on the right day. She's giving us the same hassle today about not allowing DH to take SD because he didn't want her new bed mate driving SD to school when we were perfectly able and willing to pick her up. We've still got another month and a half until court but she's always doing things that harm SD whenever she gets her feelings hurt, usually by those terrible things called FACTS.