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I'm so angry and I don't fully understand why!

Coldandloved's picture

This morning I wake up at 500 send DH to work, and go back to bed, I have a benadryl hangover and I'm not staying awake well. I wake up at 800 to find a note on the counter. "My car was blocked in, I couldn't find keys to the blue car, so I took the truck to school, SD17" I'm seething, partially because I know DH won't see a problem with this, and partially for reasons known/unkown.

The keys to the blue car are where they always are, on the shelf above the coats where we keep all the keys. She got the truck keys there, the keys to the bleu car were there. She also would have had more than sufficient space to move the truck, and then get her own car out of the driveway, obviously this wasn't an option, SD17 is just lazy. Other notes. We are trying to sell said truck.

DH calls I inform him, he says "whatever" I am livid. I guess I haven't put a finger on why just yet, but I know d@mned well I would never have taken MY Dad's truck as a kid without asking. She could have woken me up, she does to help her find food. She could have called her Dad, but none of that happened! Someone help me figure out why this makes me so angry, wha tthe consequences of this that i"m not thinking of are?

DH asked me to go see him at work to do lunch together and I said no. I"m jsut angry/hurt that he doesn't see this like I do. I'm confused, maybe he's right and I"m just out to get SD17?

soverysad's picture

Your anger is related to the person not the action. She is lazy AND she would have asked for help under any other circumstance (i.e., I CANNNN'TTT UUUSSEEE the TOOOOOAAAAASSSTTTERRR). You're made because she is basically helpless like a child but expects to be able to make adult decisions with your stuff. She has her own car and she should be using it. My parents would have beat my ass if I took one of their cars without permission. In fact, at 17, I couldn't take ANY car without permission (even my own). You're angry because she is irresponsible and she is making decisions that could affect you. What if she gets in an accident in the truck? Guess you won't be able to sell it. Will that be okay with dh? Will she be expected to pay you what you may have gotten for it?

The thing is your dh will never see things the way you do. This would be true of you biokids as well. I'm not the best person to ask if you're out to get her because honestly I feel this way about my own SD. She is such a pita that I actually expect her to piss me off.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

Coldandloved's picture

I actually asked DH that, what if something happens to the truck. "We have full liability" ohh, because doing no more than 30 she's totally going to total the pickup, not jsut get dents and dings that will raise our insurance or cost us a 500 dollar deducatable. It frustrates me soo much. He wants to have kids with me badly, and I do want children of my own badly... but OMG I don't know if I can raise children with him!!!! I don't know insurances well but she's also only covered by her mother, we cover the vehicles and ourselves as drivers, BM covers her crotchdemonchild as a driver. Something tells me this isn't all going to work out! I'm beyond frustrated. I love BM, but I've almost given up ont he idea of biological kids with him and it kills me sooo much.

soverysad's picture

I wouldn't give up but I would tell him what you expect from him with respect to YOUR children. How you want them to be independent and responsible and that you can't have kids with him if he is going to raise them like his daughters because you don't want to have to be the bad guy all the time. Maybe this will help him see that you aren't out to get SDs.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

Coldandloved's picture

We've gone over that. Many times, he knows I do things because I love them. I don't have ANY issues with SD15 I seriously wonder how two children can be so different! What's really humorous to me, is in planning our wedding celebration (we eloped, just a chance to celebrate with friends) we've run into so many issues with parents on both sides of our family standing up for socially inept oldest children! It drives him absolutely crazy, and yet I see it happening with his own child.

soverysad's picture


LizzieA's picture

Entitlement kid. We have a similar story--my DH left his Jeep in his hometown while we were away--trying to sell it--and gave BM the keys in case anyone wanted to drive it. To buy it. SD was NOT to have it. Well, guess what, she ended up driving it and called DH, 2000 miles away, with news that it overheated. Isn't that special? Fortunately the engine wasn't ruined, she was with someone who noticed and turned off the car right away. Talk about ruining the rest of our trip.
But that episode is so typical of that household. BM is USELESS! Either SD stole the keys or bullied BM into giving them to her. All based on SD's mistaken belief that she owns everything her parents have.
TG we live 1000 miles away. SD is finally growing up, too--after becoming a single mom.

steppinginsf's picture

similar here too...SS10 got to start saxaphone lessons last week, which he's wanted. He also takes piano lessons and his BM has him on a basketball team that fills up Sat and Sun afternoons with games right smack in the middle. The sax lessons caused some disagreement with FH and me b/c I felt SS should wait until the basketball season was over- I don't believe in kids getting to do/be involved in everything they want. And OH, I forgot to add that SS has no responsibilities at home when he is with us (50%) of the time-- NOTHING. He leaves the toilet seat up and then laughs about it, he doesn't take his dishes from the table into the kitchen (and it would NEVER occur to him to offer to help unload the dishwasher or help anyone with anything). HE doesn't shower every day, he doesn't make his bed, he doesn't clean up his things unless asked. He doesn't know how to pour himself a bowl of cereal, and would leave his things in the car for his dad to carry up before it would occur to him to do it. Last week, I unloaded groceries from the car and stood there talking to him, struggling with carry 6 bags of food up and he never ever once said a single thing (didn't even notice I had a lot in my hands!)...he is treated like an adult by FH, mostly (though this is changing and therapy is helping). He gets all kinds of privleges- camping trips to places like Death Valley, FH is discussing a cell phone with him.
All this, and last Saturday we realized that an IBook that we thought was dead actually isn't. Great! A revived household computer. Within an hour SS had it in his room, on his desk, and plugged in. He just assumed it could be his since his dad and I both have computers from our work.
I said nothing. The laptop is still there. FH promises me this weekend he will have the talk about responsibility and privlege with him. I am trying to be hopeful! But truly don't hold out much hope.
I grew up in a divorced family-- my mom had primary custody. And being with FH and SS-- who moves 2-3X/week between his parents house-- I don't know that I think 50/50 custody is good. There is no rythem, parents feel guilty and each one wants to win him over from the other (BM enrolled him in the basketball without talking to us about it; after his game last Sunday he opened up his gym bag and there was a KingSize Reeses's; we don't buy this kind of food at all. SS was all smiles that his mom had left him a treat).
So, I'm not surprised by your DH. Parents seem to do a lot out of guilt and b/c of the dysfunctional emotional stuff that exists b/c of divorce and wanting their kids with them more.

TAT3_US's picture

This is what makes me mad with these situations, if it was MY bio daughter, I would have called her, gave her a what for, went to the school and switched cars. Then that night I would have told her she now gets NO driving privledges the rest of the week BECAUSE she did so without clearing it with me. Come to think of it, she would not have done it because she would ALREADY know what the consequences would be!! It may be harsh, but I bet she won't do it again. DH on the other hand would tell her she shouldn't have done that...then do nothing about it.

nkbrown's picture

I understand your frustration. I am in a similar situation. SD-17 feels that she is entitled to everything she has and WE have - without asking.

She is now pregnant. She told her father it was HIS responsibility to take care of her and her child because it's our jobs as her parent. WHAT??!!!

When I came into this family, SD was use to getting her way on everything. Dad didn't see a problem with this either. Slowly he is starting to see my point -----

But my frustration is off the charts. So much has happened that I can't see past my hurt, frustration and anger. So anything she does gets on my nerves.

soverysad's picture
