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StepChildren & BioParent Gaslighting - does anyone here contend with this?

FrackturedBradyBunch's picture

Does anyone here have Gaslighting to contend with?

Was talking with friends yesterday and this seems a familiar theme...

Not only do the Skids try the Gaslighting but often enough the BioParent will step up to the plate to rally and support....the skid.

I had never heard this term before, it all began to make sense, sense of what was happening to me and my life, sense of why wife number upped and left him and the children.

FrackturedBradyBunch's picture

LOL dtzy, that is pure GOLD!

Alas, I have never ever had that pleasure....whilst they have been caught out lying to their father, he hasn't been brainy enough to see anything else they are doing, like gaslighting him to believe things about me, you see they do like me, they just don't like my rules.


luchay's picture

OMFG - who left the screen door open and you snuck in? My little friend the Pede!!!!

LMAO I almost sent you here yesterday when we were talking about this!!!!

SO good to see you here.

Love you to bits honey. And you do need to work on an exit plan.

FrackturedBradyBunch's picture

Goodness me! How stupid am I Luchay! LOL

Love you too, great minds really do think alike! Smile

I learnt disengagement's been helpful, but it's not enough anymore

luchay's picture

Nah, didn't work fully for me either, I think when the venom is AIMED at you and yours disengagement is not an option.

We always did have that twin thing going on LOL