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i don't know how much more i can take

Missmiserable's picture

Honestly, i don't. I feel as if I'm suffocating. One is 5 and the other is 4. The 4 year old is constantly crying, lying, and stealing. 5 year old will not stop pooping his pants. Both are violent at school, WILL not eat anything, never listen. The "mom" doesn't pay child support, never gets them when she is supposed to. Tells everyone lies. Goes out of her way to let them know I'm an outsider. I can't do this. They can't go one single day without misbehaving. Being loud or rowdy i could handle.. Everything together is too much. Everytime i correct them, my husband undermines me. Every. Single. Time. He wants me to be more patient with them and they would never be punished. They get put in timeout MAYBE twice a week. The rest of thr time is just a warning.
How do i save my marriage from this


Only thing I can offer is Counseling, both of you. My DH is a disney parent and the sds are now 11stb12 and 9. IT DOES NOT GET BETTER just because they get older.

FrackturedBradyBunch's picture

I so hear you MissMiserable.....

No advice unfortunately as I am 10 years down the track and drowning .....

Just big hugs for you