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One step forward, and only half a step back

Redredwine's picture

Today while I was gone apparently DH gave the skids and my kid the what-for regarding their shit-tastic completion of their chores. He made them each redo the chore that was not done well. Go DH!

We regularly have trouble getting skids to eat decent portions of fruit and veggies (though fried foods and anything bland with ground beef is fine...sigh). Tonight we had a potato/veggie mix as a side and one skid managed to take one two tiny pieces of veggie. DH still isn't a vigilant parent so I pointed it out after dinner. DH started to say to the skid that "someone pointed out..." but stopped himself and instead said that he noticed the lack of veggies and had skid eat the rest we had. (Duh that skid knows I told DH now but at least DH is hearing it and only pushed me close but not under the bus.)

(For those of you playing along at home, DH is welcome and encouraged to parent my kid, even ExH supports it. On the other side of the universe BM seems to have a problem with me doing anything related to parenting, we believe she quizzes them about goings on and if they complain then tells them that I have no authority...we've gotten enough statements coming out of their mouths that are obviously not how a kid would say things that leads us to these conclusions. So, if DH is home then he does ALL the parenting and I sit in the shadows whispering to him. Our agreement is that if he's not home then all bets are off and he has to deal with the fallout. The skids aren't all that bad, but BM likes to blow *any* action from me out of proportion.)

I'm definitely not gonna hold my breath (cause how would I drink wine?) but it was a small glimmer that DH is willing to be the bad guy.

He may be getting something a little extra tonight.


WTF...REALLY's picture

Happy that DH is stepping up.

BM should not be allowed to effect how you and DH are in your home. Do not let her have this much power in your home.

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

That's great on his part! I'd take disengagement of discipline from skids now as a blessing. Some dad's want to play Disney and have SM take on the wicked role as disciplinarian which NEVER works out well.

ChiefGrownup's picture

When skid announces to you that you have no authority over them cuz you're not their mom tell them you ARE the homeowner. Period. Dot. Issue orders to skids with this wording, "In this house no one is allowed to leave their dishes on the coffee table. Go clean up after yourself." I'd like to see what a BM like yours would do with that. It's your damn house. Do her kids go play at a neighbor's house and when the Mrs. LittleFriend'sName says, "Please wipe your feet before coming in, skidguest" does BM teach said kid to yell, "you're not my mom!!!!"?

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I was totally about to say "give the guy something extra tonight!" but then I read it. That is great! They are not going to do it perfect always but progress is progress