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Hex apparently wants to medicate SD

Toastergirl's picture

I haven't updated in a while, but it's been more or less the same: PAS out the wazoo. DH has stepped up a lot, however I wish he would more.

Last night we had SD. She was unusually chipper and was behaving well. We were talking about school (SD hates school) while I was out planting in the garden. The following conversation took place:

SD: my mom is thinking of putting me on medication.
Me: why ?
SD: they say I talk too much in class so my mom says I need it.
Me: why don't you just stop talking?
Sd: I don't know (her go-to excuse)
Me: huh. Well what kind of medication?
SD: I don't know but she says I need it.

SD does NOT need to be medicated. She has not been diagnosed with anything. DH says that no daycare workers or teachers have ever brought up ADHD or ADD. IMO, SD needs more discipline, not medication. The only problems SDs teachers have had with her is her attitude and back talk. DH is strongly against medicating SD. I tld him to email SDs teacher ASAP to just check up on how SD is doing in school, has she seen improvement in SDs behavior, etc. No need to mention medication or hex at all.

Hex is a doctor. She is medicated out the ass. Both DH and SD have mentioned she has bottles and bottles of pills she would take. I never thought much of this but hex is a hypochondriac and always is telling SD that she can't play outside for too long because she could become allergic to grass, she shouldn't spend too much time with dogs because she could become allergic, etc. She uses her doctor status to PAS SD EVERY time. I've had sd come to me dozens of times saying her stomach hurts and her moms stomach hurts, so she will have issues too. I respond with, "well no chocolate for you today then" which changes SDs tune completely.

DH amd hex have joint legal custody with hex having the final say after thorough and complete discussion. Hex interpretes this to mean she has the final say so talking to DH doesn't matter. She hides SDs medical appointments, doesn't notify him of medical treatments, tells him to pay but never gives him the bills, etc. I told DH he needs to nip this NOW bc if doesn't give SD the meds after they are perscribed family court will murder him.

Note: as far as we know, SD is still seeing the unlicensed counselor that hex chose for her. We have seen very little change in her behavior on a consistent basis.


Toastergirl's picture

They have a trail date set for this summer.

The joint custody plan is horrid. It really truly sucks.

momandmore's picture

Oh my Gosh she shouldn't be telling her kid that!
When DH told BM that SD (just turned at the time) was going to Wabash valley for counseling (due to BM being completely uninvolved from the day they signed the divorce papers) BM said " yeah, you should get her on some medicine, sounds like she needs to be on something" I couldn't effing believe it. BM is also a hypochondriac and she convinced SD that SD had a stomach ache so BM could bring her home early on one of the two overnights she actually had with BM. Once she got home I was like ok you just need to lay down on the couch and maybe that will help, I'll get you some water. SD's act didn't last 5 minutes. It was a gorgeous day and all of the other kids were outside playing. I could already tell SD was lying, I was just waiting for her to spill the beans.

I hope your BM gets torn apart at the court date. An unlicensed counselor! That's upsetting!!

Toastergirl's picture

^^^YUP same situation. All "sick" until there's something fun to do, or hex brainwashes her into thinking she is sick.

I hope hex gets spanked my the judge, but I doubt it.